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"Bells, do you really not want to come with me?" Estrella was dressed casually for the dreary day, a simple hoodie with sleeves that covered her hands covering her upper half. The girl had planned on exploring. It had been years since her last visit to Forks, and the forest was begging for her to roam, starting at the La Push beach.

"Jake has been really upset with me," Bella mumbled, fiddling with the ends of her sleeves. "I don't want to risk running into him right now." She hadn't told her sister about the meeting between her, Edward, and Jacob, and could barely look the cheery girl in the eye. 

"I doubt we'd run into him at the beach or exploring the woods," the ginger scoffed with a smile. "Besides, I wouldn't let anything happen to you. If you don't want to see him, I won't let him near you."

Bella paused for a moment before changing her approach. "Isn't it a bit dangerous to be exploring the woods, anyways?" Her eyes, still pointed to the ground, moved around as she thought. "I mean, we're both fairly small and if there's a wild animal out there then something could happen."

"Bells," Estrella laughed, rolling her eyes kindheartedly. "My school is surrounded for miles by woods that we would explore for hours. Trust me, I'm an amazing hiker and I know how to handle wild animals." Her words were no lie, but served well to hide a certain truth that Bella wasn't to know. 

Meanwhile, Bella struggled to find an eloquent way to do the same, unable to lie to her sister but not wanting to tell her the truth. "I just- I just miss you and want to spend time with you." Estrella melted at that, all the fight in her draining out as she saw the vulnerability and truth in Bella's statement. "And I was wondering..." Bella cleared her throat and sighed. "I know you're not particularly pleased with Edward, but the Cullens are family to me and they were hoping you'd be up for meeting them at their house."

Her heart dropped in her chest, not thrilled with the idea of meeting the family that dropped her sister without a thought, but curious about the people who Bella spoke so kindly about. "Would I have to change?" she questioned, looking down at her leggings. Bella stifled a laugh and shook her head. "Then okay. But if they judge me for my comfy clothes, it's over for them!"

With that, the pair were off. Unfortunately for Estrella, they took Bella's beat up truck. And unfortunately for Bella, Estrella would not stop complaining about it. The entire ride consisted of Estrella whining about the bumpiness, the noises, or the speed of the truck and about halfway through, Bella gave up defending the truck and just let her sister complain. 

"Even the trees aren't helping this hell ride, Bells," Estrella whined, her palm resting against the window as she looked longingly off into the forest right outside their vehicle. "God the forest here is so beautiful but how am I supposed to enjoy it if I end up dying in this deathtrap you call a truck? You couldn't get a nicer truck? I'm sure Seattle has a used car shop were you could buy a working truck that doesn't sound ready to explode or fall to pieces."

The rant was cut off as the truck was put into park. "We're here, Ells," Bella snorted. Estrella looked up at the Cullen Household for only a second before falling back into another round of complaints.

"You're dating a friggin' millionaire and he can't even buy you a sturdy vehicle?!" Estrella all but screeched. "Do you see this house? Bella! Do you see it? This house could buy 8 000 of your crappy trucks! Why won't he just buy you a nice, safe car or something?"

"She refused when I offered," an amused voice responded, prompting Estrella to turn to the drivers side window. Edward stood there next to the open window, smiling lightly at the duo as Bella let out a complaint. 

"You didn't have to tell her that."

"Isabella Marie, he offered you a whole new vehicle and you turned him down??"

"See?" Bella responded, ignoring Estrella and glaring teasingly at Edward. "You made her 'middle name' me. I'm never going to hear the end of this."

Edward simply laughed, opening his girlfriend's door. "Come on," he chuckled. "Everyone's missed you and they're overly excited about meeting Estrella. Especially Alice."

"Oh god," Estrella groaned from the passengers seat. The sudden hit of anxiety almost tied her to her seat. "I don't want any of them to be excited about meeting me. The most thrilling thing I have to offer is my hair."

"They'll love you," Edward comforted. "Trust me."

The three walked towards the door, Estrella taking a breath before following the couple in and looking around. 

The second she did, her breath stopped.

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