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As soon as the excited grin spread across her face, it was quickly dropped for a serious and analytical look. "Who do I get to fight first?" she questioned, trying not to smirk. 

"We'll start you off easy," Jasper commented with a teasing grin as he patted Emmett on the back. Emmett pushed the other boy away before sprinting to be across the field from Estrella. She reached down to untie her shoes, removing them as well as her socks despite the weird looks cast her way from the family around her. Only Carlisle didn't look confused. "Are you both ready?" She nodded and Emmett called out in agreement before Jasper counted down from three. Once he hit one, everything moved. 

Despite how rapidly everything was moving, it was all slow and calm to Estrella. The family watched as she barely moved, confused at her lack of movement. Emmett simply continued running towards her. Just as he got halfway to her, dirt and rock jutted up to knee height in front of him, causing him to trip and crash against the floor. Estrella let out a loud laugh at the stunned look on his face but he quickly shook his head and got up again, making his way towards her once more. 

But, he took two steps before the ground beneath him dropped away before quickly reforming, trapping his ankle tightly. He almost pulled his own leg off by continuing to run without noticing he was trapped before looking up to glare at Estrella. She simply grinned at him and motioned him towards her, mockingly, knowing that he couldn't move. Emmett was quick to start clawing at the earth trapping him, trying to dig his leg out but the wind picked up heavily as Estrella began to mumble. Her hair raised in the wind and the giddy grin didn't drop from her face. 

Before any of the family could blink, greenery was quickly climbing it's way around Emmett. He attempted to slash it away, but for every vine he broke, two more came at him, until he was entirely pinned to the ground. Once he was unable to move, Estrella let out a giggle and made her way over to him. She placed her foot on his neck and grinned wildly. "I win," she chimed before stepping back and releasing the man from her hold. He was quick to bounce up.

"Do it again," he rumbled, determination spread across his face. "Let's try again." 

Estrella was all too willing to go again and she made quick work of each battle with him, winning each time. After that, each of the family members had a go until they reached Alice. Edward wasn't there so he was unable to participate, but Estrella was confident she would beat him anyways. With Alice, she was unsure, and she was excited to try it out. 

"How fast do your visions work?" Estrella questioned with a grin. 

"I guess we'll find out," Alice chimed, making Estrella laugh lightly. 

Estrella had multiple strategies running through her head at once, each with multiple different decisions she could make. She knew she couldn't settle on one decision until the exact moment she decided, otherwise Alice would be able to predict it. "Ready?" Jasper called. Both girls simply nodded. As he counted down, Estrella did something she hadn't done with any of the others. She closed her eyes. 

Jasper hit one, and Estrella let her senses take over. By now, each of the family could tell that her powers were tied to nature, but they were unsure what the extent of them were. However, with her eyes closed, Estrella could feel exactly where Alice was. 

The pixie like girl hopped from tree to tree, rapidly making her way closer to Estrella. The ginger kept her head full of multiple different decisions as she felt Alice coming closer, until one of the trees wrapped each of their branches around the pixie girl. Before they could tighten or properly entangle her, she flattened herself and dropped to the ground. A hole was quick to open beneath her but she was quick to push off the tree to shoot herself forward. Estrella grinned. The wind picked up and blew Alice to the side, attempting to get her into the brush, but she was quick to grab onto a branch and pull herself away. The branch started to roll, wrapping her hands up but she was quick to break away. She saw the grass begin to surround her before it did so she shot upwards again, avoiding it. 

This went on for almost half an hour, both of the girls enjoying the game intensely while the rest of the family watched in amazement. Soon enough, Jasper called for them to stop. Estrella opened her eyes once more, looking to the family with a wide grin. She could hear Alice sprint towards her and was quick to have a wall of dirt flash up, causing the girl to stop and laugh. "I'm done the game, Ella," she sang out, making the ginger laugh. 

"You can't be too careful," she responded before letting the wall drop. "You could have still been playing."

"It seems you're perfectly ready to fight," Jasper stated, walking up to the two girls. Alice was quick to place herself at his side, wrapping around his arm with a bright smile. "The newborns won't even know what hit 'em."

"No, they'll know," Estrella said with a sly grin. "It will be dirt."

Her newest friends laughed before Rosalie came up next to her. "Come on," she said with a soft smile. "You need to get in some sleep."

And with that, Estrella made her way back home with her blonde best friend, excited to take part in the fight for her family.

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