𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: wicked tiger

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wolfhard. his actual name is finn but I call him wolfhard, only I am allowed to call him that. he isn't like any of the other guys in our school, he still sleeps on a race car bed and is on the varsity track team at school.

i am currently outside his house, sitting in the recliner that ayla helped me move here last night.

"hey, wolfhard." I greeted him, after he shut his front door.

his face immediately lit up with happiness when he saw me.

"wicked tiger. he looks proud." he said, pointing at the tiger carpet i put in front of the recliner.

"I swiped it from ms.dyers lawn." I smirked, while holding a wooden pipe in my mouth.

he started walking closer torwards me when I noticed something about him.

"wow, your shorts are, like, especially gold today." I said, admiring his cute gold shorts that look a little short on him considering he has long legs.

"well, my mom uses color safe bleach." he said.

"go, mary." I smiled.

"I'll tell her." he blushed, looking down at his feet.

he probably shouldn't, she doesn't really like me that much. she always thought I was a bad influence on her son and didn't want him hanging out with me anymore.

I heard rapid footsteps coming up behind me, I turn my head and see the track team out on their morning run .

when I see them all running with their things bouncing around in their shorts, I always picture them naked even though I don't want to. all I see is pork swords.

"I'm supposed to be running." wolfhard said, breaking me from my weird thoughts.

"so guess what?" I said, looking straight into his eyes.

"what? I don't know." he asked, shaking his head and shrugging.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out, without any hesitation.

I could see the color drain from his face and his smile slowly fade away, an awkward silence creeping up between us. I looked down in embarrassment just wanting to avoid eye contact with him.

he gulped before asking, " what should we do...about...?"

"well, you know, I was just...I was thinking I'd just nip it in the bud before it gets worse." I responded, mentioning an abortion. "because they were talking about, in health class, how pregnancy, it can often lead to an infant."

"typically, yeah. that's what happens when our moms and teachers get pregnant." he said.

"so, you're cool with that then?" I asked, now looking straight into his eyes.

"yeah, yeah, I mean, you know, just, I guess do whatever you think you should do, you know?" he said, completely on board with my decision.

"well, I'm sorry I had sex with you. I know it wasn't like your idea or anything." I sighed, getting up from the recliner and making my way to my bike.

"whose idea was it?"

"I'll see you at school, all right?" I said, completely ignoring his question and started biking to school.

"whose idea was it?" he asked himself.

hello my beautiful people!! thank you for 1k reads and an even bigger thank you to those who take the time out of their day and actually read this book :') love you all!

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