𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭: closed adoption

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my dad and i didn't say one word to each other the entire drive to caleb and sadie's house.
once we arrived I got out of the van and quickly rang the doorbell.

not even a second later a red-headed woman answered the door, "hi. i'm sadie. and you must be y/n and mr.y/l/n." she smiled.
she seemed so sophisticated and very content with her life. big house, nice neighborhood, and happily married..oh yeah she has it all. 

"thanks for having my irresponsible child and I over at your house." my dad greeted, breaking me from my thoughts. I just shrugged because it's true, we didn't even think of using a condom that night.

"no, thank you." sadie awkwardly thanked us back. she moved out of the doorway and welcomed us into her home.

"wicked picture in the pennysaver, by the way. super original, unlike those people who tend to use fake backgrounds. who do they think they're fooling?" I said, her face dropped for some weird reason but I didn't think much of it.

"y-you found us in the pennysaver?" she gulped.

"hi. I'm caleb mclaughlin. I'm the lucky husband." a tall man greeted us as he came down the stairs.

"nice to meet you." my dad shook his hand.

sadie then introduced us to a lady in a sick looking pantsuit, "this is our attorney,gerta rauss."

"what's up, gerta rauss." I laughed, greeting her in a german accent.  

"hi." she held out her hand for me to shake, what is with these people and their fancy living and professional attorneys. I shook her hand and sat down on the fancy looking couch.

"would anyone like a drink? I have vitamin water, pellegrino, and-" i stopped her mid-sentence, "what the hell is a pellegrino?" I laughed, looking around the room for an answer from someone.

"please excuse her, y/n has a wonderful sense of humor." my dad apologized for my behavior.  sadie just smiled and sat down next to caleb.

"so, y/n, how far along are you?" the attorney asked.

"I'm a junior."

she breathily laughed, "no, in your pregnancy."

wow, I feel stupid, "oh, right, right, well my stepmom took me to the doctor yesterday and they said I am 12 weeks."

"oh, so you're into your second trimester." sadie told me.

"um...yeah," I chuckled, "I'm due on May fourth."

"my girlfriends tell me that the first couple of months are hard," she mentioned what her friend have told us.

"i didn't feel anything at all, honestly. I'm more concerned about when they have to put the elastic band in the front of my jeans."

"i think pregnancy is absolutely beautiful." she smiled, putting her hand over her heart.

"well, you're lucky it's not you."
her face dropped.

caleb noticed and decided to finally speak up to break the tension slowly rising in the room, "so, let's talk about the adoption. how are we going to do this thing?"

"what do you mean, don't I just squeeze the kid out and hand them right over to you?" i asked.

"well, caleb and sadie are willing to negotiate an open adoption." the attorney said, looking at me to see if that is what I want.

"wait, what does that mean?" my dad asked.

"it means they will send photos and annual updates to let y/n know how the baby is doing as he or she gets older."

I shook my head rapidly, "woah, no, no, no, I don't want photos or updates. I mean...can't we just deal with this old school? you know, like I stick the baby in a basket and leave them on your doorstep."

"well, then...we all agree on a traditional closed adoption?"

"shit. yes. just close it on up." I praised.

"we will obviously compensate you for all of your medical expenses..." caleb said, nodding his head.

"are you looking for any other compensation?" sadie asked, looking into my eyes nervously.

"no. no, I don't want to sell the thing. I just want the baby to be with family who is going to love it and be good parents to them, you know? I'm still in high school, dude. I'm ill-equipped."

"you're doing a beautiful and selfless thing for us." sadie smiled, lovingly.

"sadie has been wanting a baby ever since we got married."

"I want to be a mommy so badly."

oh yeah, I picked the right people.

omg. it has been awhile since I last updated and I feel so bad but hopefully this chapter was good because I want the best for you guys!

btw if you look at the chapter after this you will see my face 🥵

anyways, I saw IT chapter two yesterday and cried my fucking eyes out!! it was amazing, sad, and scary...i am still smiling because of how good it was.

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