The sleepover

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Your POV

It was 10:08 pm and all the girls were at my house. "We should play a game." Mari said getting excited. We all looked around thinking of a game to play. "Wanna play truth or dare?" Courtney asked in a funny voice. We all laughed and agreed. "Since you wanted to play you go first Court." Olivia said. She looked around. "Hmmmm! Who should I ask!" Courtney said before booping my nose. I laughed. "Truth or dare Y/N!" She yelled "truth" I answered. "So far our of all the boys in smosh, who is the cutest." I thought about it for a moment. "I would have to say, Shayne or Noah." I answered as the girls all squealed. I laughed and then looked at Boze. "Truth or dare Bozey" I said. "Ima regret this but dare." She said before I laughed liked an evil scientist. "I dare you to go up to Anthony and tell him a random fact about a women." I said while everyone else laughed. "Bitch you're going down." She said before getting up. We all sneakily followed Boze to Anthony's room and waited. Boze nocked on the door. It quickly opened to reveal a tired Anthony. "Hey Boze what are you doing?" He asked confused. Boze tried to hold in a laugh. She smiled. "Did you know that when a women is on her period and she has cramps it's when her uterus is trying to kill itself." Boze said before laughing. I could tell just by Anthony's expression he was shocked and disgusted at the same time. Everyone started laughing, Mari laughed so hard she fell down the stairs.

After everyone went it was the last question. Everyone had done one truth or one dare and I have only done one truth so I had to do a dare. "I dare you." Mari started "to call someone and tell them that it's done and you've done their dirty work." Mari said. "I'm so into this." I said while pulling out my phone. I went through my contacts and clicked on a random one. "Who are you calling?" Olivia asked while wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed, "I'm calling Shayne." I answered. He picked up. "[hello]" Shayne said. Everyone got silent. "It's done, I'll be at your house in ten minutes, you better have my cash. I did your dirty work. The cops won't even know a person killed Ian." I said. We all tried to hold in our laughter. "[What?!]" Shayne laughed while being confused. "I'm almost at your house, be prepared with my money or I'll shot you." I said before hanging up. We all laughed so hard we couldn't breathe.

The night was filled with different games and laughter. At one point we all watched a movie and slowly passed out on the couch. Me and Olivia stayed up the longest getting to know each other better, then we both fell asleep.

***time skippp***

Next morning
Your POV

I woke up next to Boze. I quietly got up and walked over to the back door. I slowly opened it and went to sit on the porch swing. It was currently 7:30 in the morning. We had the day off today so we decided to meet up again at the beach with the guys. I started humming to myself before I heard my phone go off. I looked and I had multiple messages and notifications. I went to see what everything was about and everyone was commenting on my video with Shayne and Noah. "I wonder what all the fuss is about" I thought as I scrolled through the comments. I could see that people were shipping me with them, but it was too early for me to start liking people. I just got out of a serious relationship I wouldn't want to start another one just yet. I checked my messages and had multiple from Shayne, Keith and Noah. I looked at the messages individually first Keith's

K: ["Hey y/n it's Keith. Idk if you have my number but I just wanted to give it to you cause your a cool chick and I can't want to start working with you more!"]

I smiled before replying

Y: ["thanks Keith, I can't wait to work with you too!😁"]

I checked my messages from Noah next.

N: ["Hello y/n it's Noah! Just wanted to say I can't want to work with you and you were amazing in the video we filmed earlier"]

Y: ["thank you Noah, you did great too and I can't wait to film more videos"]

I lastly checked my messages from Shayne. It's great to feel appreciated so far by my coworkers.

S: ["Hi y/n it's Shayne, you did really well in that video and I'm guessing that last night was a dare because you're hanging with the girls. Anyways I can't wait to film more things with you, you're a great person!"]

Y: ["Thank you Shayne. You are great too and I can't wait to get back to the smoffice to film more videos!"]

It felt so great that they all liked me so far. 

I went back inside quietly and found Mari sitting on a stool in the kitchen on her phone. "Hey y/n" She said happily. "Did you have fun last night?" She asked. "I did it was really fun. I'm glad you guys all like me so far." I replied while putting my phone on the counter. "That's good, after a while you'll get used to us and you'll probably be in a lot of videos including some on smosh games. But I'm happy you feel appreciated." Mari said with a smile. Before I knew it everyone else was in the kitchen and we all ate breakfast. Everyone slowly left except for Courtney. We just sat in the couch in silence for a bit. "So I heard what happened with you and Ethan." She said while putting her hand on your shoulder. "Yeah, I haven't actually been the same since. It has only been a week since he cheated and humiliated and broke up with me. That's the main reason I wanted to join smosh to just distract myself." I said while trying not to cry. She hugged me and I started crying into her shoulder. "It's ok n/n. Ethan was a dick anyways. He didn't deserve someone as great as you." She said trying to comfort me. We slowly separated and I nodded. "If you anything don't be afraid to call or text me cause I'm always here for you." Courtney said reassuringly.

After a while Courtney left and I was left there on the couch. I heard Anthony coming down the stairs. "You ok?" He asked. I got off the couch and smiled. "Great." I said as I hugged him. He hugged me back and smiled. When we released the hug he booped me on the nose. "Love you sis." He said before grabbing an apple. "Love you to bro." I said before he left. I felt better. My phone went off and I saw I had a text from Shayne.

S:["So I heard that you guys are going to the beach later?"]
Y:["Yeah, you can come we want all the guys to join us."]
S:["Great I'll see you at 12:00"]

I turned off my phone and smiled "todays going to be a great day."

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