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Shayne's POV

"Y/n!" I yelled. I clenched my side in pain before running over to her. I looked at her eyes before she closed them and I felt tears falling down my cheeks. Sirens went off around us. A bunch of people rushed in and grabbed Courtney and Damien putting them on two different beds. The one grabbed me putting me on one before grabbing y/n and dragging us away into ambulances.

I was pushed into the back of an ambulance with two nurses. "Hello sir, I'm doctor Grey. Would you please tell me your name." The lady asks. "My name is Shayne, agh, Shayne Topp." I said before removing my hands from my wound. "Ok and who are you friends." She asked before placing a cloth on my wound.

I looked up and looked in her eyes. "I'm my best friend Damien Haas is the guy with brown hair. Uhh Courtney Miller my other friend is the blonde and my girlfriend y/n l/n the one who Ethan was going after the one with the beautiful e/c eyes and h/c hair." I said before I started coughing. "Ok, do you guys have anyone you can call that will take care of you?" She asked as she grabbed her phone.

"Um yeah, our boss Ian, y/n's brother Anthony, any of our coworkers." I explained before feeling the ambulance come to a stop. The doors opened and I was pulled out of the ambulance. "What's this guy's name. Another doctor asked. "Shayne Topp, the brunette male is Damien Haas the blonde female is Courtney Miller and the h/c female is y/n l/n." Doctor Grey explained.

We were pushed into the hospital where doctors and nurses were running around everywhere. "SHEPHERD I NEED YOU OVER HERE, KEPNER GO WITH TOREZ AND YANG COME HELP GREY!" A man yelled as we were rushed in and spread around. Another woman came over to me and brought me into a room. "Hello Shayne. Don't worry you'll be out of here soon." She said as one of the nurses cut my shirt off.

"Christina I think it's worse then we thought." Doctor grey said. "He's lost a lot of blood." Doctor Yang walked over to Doctor Grey and looked at my wound. "It hasn't hit any major arteries so we will be fine. All we need is to stitch you up and get some more blood in your system." She told me. "Do you know if any of your friends have the same blood type as you?" Doctor Grey asked.

I thought for a moment before speaking. "My friend Noah does." I can text him to get over here if you want." I said. They nodded and Doctor Grey grabbed my phone. "What's your password." She asked. I told her and she opened my phone and called Noah. After a few moment he answered. "Hello?" He said. "Hi Noah this is Doctor. Christina Yang. Four of your friends have been in an accident and we need you and your friends down here as fast as possible to get blood from you." She spoke firmly. "Oh my gosh yeah um we will be there right away." "Thank you, goodbye." Christina said before hanging up.


Damien's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to see a bright light. "Good you're awake." Says a sweet voice. I look to where the voice came from and see a black haired woman with tan skin standing next to me. "Hi I'm doctor Torez and this is doctor Kepner." She explains. I nod and grab my head in pain. "Not so fast. You took a hard blow to the head." Torez says.

"Yeah I guess I did." I said. I slowly sat up and looked to my side to see Courtney in the bed next to mine. "Oh my gosh." I say before covering my face in my hands. "Do you know her?" Kepner asks in a sad tone. "Yeah she's one of my closets friends that I work with. "God I can't believe I couldn't protect them." I said. I hated myself for not being able to protect the girls.

"It's not your fault Damien." Torez said. I looked back at Courtney to see a bunch of bruises covering her arms and a big one of her head. Her eyes started to flutter open and Kepner went over to her. "Is anything broken?" I ask Torez. "Nope just a minor concussion. So take it easy for the next couple of days." She explains to me. I nod slowly before standing up. I walked over to Courtney and say done and heard the door the the hospital burst open.

I look over to everyone standing there looking worried. "THERE!" Mari yells as they run over to us. "Oh my gosh Damien, Courtney are you guys ok, where's Shayne and y/n." Ian asks in a panicked tone. Everyone sits around us as we see another doctor step out of a room. "Hello I guess you guys are here for Shayne, Damien, Courtney and y/n?" She asks kindly. They all nod.

"Well hi I'm doctor Yang. Now I need Noah." She says. Noah follows her into the room she came out of and we all hear him gasp in shock. "Guys it's Shayne." He said sticking his head out. "Now Noah Shayne told me you have the same blood type as him yes?" Noah nods. "Well Noah we need some of your blood for Shayne. He lost a bit of blood on the way here and we need to get him some. Another doctor says.

"Ok, take all the blood you need." He says while sitting down. "Now which one of you is Anthony?" She asks. Anthony steps forward. "Hi Anthony I'm Doctor Grey you remember my husband Doctor Shepherd." She says. "Yeah I do I'm fact I'm supposed to come in tomorrow for a check up." Anthony says. "Ok, follow me please." She said sadly. We all shared looks as they left.

Mari, Olivia, Flitz, Keith and I walked out by Courtney. "Hey guys." She said quietly. "Are you ok. Oh my god I can't believe this happened to you guys." Olivia said in a worried tone. I sat on a chair beside Courtney's bed as she slowly sat up. "The doctor says I only have a concussion and that after a few weeks I'll be fine." Courtney says. "What did you get away with?" Flitz asks me. "The same thing. Shayne and y/n got the worst of it." I explained. "Speaking of, have either of you seen y/n." Keith asks. We both shack our heads before we all walked into Shayne's room.

"Shayne you're good as new. Come back here in three weeks to get those removed." Doctor Grey said. Shayne slowly sat up and Ian passed him a shirt to wear. "Shayne do you know where they took y/n?" Mari asked before we saw doctor Yang enter the room. "Y/n is in room 212 with Doctor Shepherd, Doctor Hunt and Doctor Bailey. We need to know if any of you are blood type O negative." Doctor Yang says.

"I'm O negative." I said while raising my hand. "Follow me." Yang said. We all followed her to y/n's door and we heard crying coming from the inside. "Damien Shayne go in, everyone else stay out here." Yang said. I opened the door to see a beaten up y/n. I covered my mouth and walked up to her bed. "Y/n." I said softly.

Anthony was next to her holding her hand and crying. I looked back at y/n to her her lip is cut open, her leg is bleeding in two different places, her hair is a mess, there's bruises all over her, there's strangulation marks on her neck and tear stays on her face. I heard Shayne fall to the ground behind me. "Hello I'm Doctor Bailey. Damien we need to take some of your blood to help y/n. Right now she's unconscious but we've stitched her leg and we just need to inject more blood into her system." She said.

Bailey took me out of the room with her and I was led past the group with tears falling down my cheeks.


Shayne's POV

I ran my hands through my hair and legs out my sobs. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Doctor Shepherd. "It's all my fault. She wouldn't of had this happened to her if I had made her stay with me. I'm such an idiot." I said to myself. "No your not. You tried to save her, you tried to be a hero. And you were. You saved her before anything else could happen. You helped her brother and her." I heard the other doctor say.

"I'm Doctor Hunt. And I know what you're going through." He said. He pulled me to my feet and walked me over to y/n who was stirring in her sleep. "Look at her. Yes this happened but you were able to stop it before it got worse." He said. I sat down in a chair beside her and grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Please wake up." I whispered to myself while I let a few more tears fall. "Please, you're everything to me. Please.....please don't leave me. You're my always and forever." I kept whispered. I looked over at Anthony who was staring at y/n crying. "Thank you." He said to me. "For helping us when you could've left." He said before looking at me. I smiled. "You're welcome. I wouldn't ever leave her in danger." I said while rubbing circles on her hand.

"I'm glad you are with my sister." He said. I thanked him. "Jeez you guys need to get a room." We heard. Y/n laughed at her own snarky comment. "Y/n! Oh my god I'm so happy you're ok." I said said while hugging her gently.  She hugged me back. I backed away a bit and kissed her softly. "I love you." I told her. "I love you too my always and forever." She said while leaning she forehead on mine.

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