Accidental nudity

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Courtney's POV

I sat in the living room with Wes, Lasercorn and Boze and played the Nintendo switch with everyone watching. "I'm surprised Shayne hasn't made a dumb comment yet." Sohinki said before sipping his coffee. "Yeah, I'm also surprised that y/n hasn't said how bad Lasercorn is at this game." Wes joked making Lasercorn rage.

"Speaking of, where are they?" I asked a little concerned. We all shared confused glances before turning off the Nintendo switch. I stood up and went into the kitchen to see y/n's phone on the counter. "That's odd, y/n normally always has her phone on her unless..." I said before walking to Shayne's door. "Unless she's doing it!" Flitz and Keith yelled only for everyone to shush them.

We all put our heads up to the door to hear giggling coming from the other side. "Hey guys pizzas here and-" "Guys shush we are listening." Olivia said cutting Joven off and making us all stifle a laugh. "What's going on." Damien whispered before he came to my side and pressed his ear against the door. "I can't make out what they're saying" Mari said sounding deep in thought.

We all went silent so we could try and hear what was happening through Shayne's door. All we heard was muffled whispering and giggling every so often. "Well I'm gonna be right back." We heard y/n say. We all quickly ran back to the living room before the door opened to see y/n's back turned to us.

"Y/N! PUT ON YOUR CLOTHES!" Mari yelled as Olivia, Mari, Boze and I covered the boys eyes. Quickly grabbed a sheet from in front of her and wrapped it around her body to hide. "U-uh h-h-Hey Guys. I was j-just going to the bathroom so umm, be r-right back" She stuttered our before running into the bathroom. We uncovered the boys eyes and they all smirked.

"Don't smirk guys she didn't know we were all watching and that's not right Shayne's dating her." Damien said politely. I smiled at him before hearing the bathroom door open slightly. "Damien could you come here a minute." Y/n yelled sounding a little nervous. He stood up and walked over to the bathroom. We all watched him as he was pulled into the bathroom and the door shut.


Damien's POV

Y/n pulled me into the bathroom and quickly shut the door. "What do you need is everything ok?" I asked slightly concerned. She still had the bed sheet wrapped around her while her back was turned to me. "Could you uh, grab my clothes from Shayne's room and take this with you." She said quietly. "Yeah of course I said.

"Close your eyes." She stated before turning around to face me. I did as I was told and closed my eyes and stuck my arm out. "Don't peak but I'm gonna take this off now and put it on your arm. Don't open your eyes until I say so." She said sternly.

I heard the sound of the bed sheet moving before I felt it in my arm. I heard footsteps the the shower curtain close. "You can open your eyes now." She said making me slowly open my eyes. I quickly walked out of the room and closed the door. I walked down the hall to see everyone staring at me as I opened Shayne's door to see him buttoning his pants.

"You really had to do it with everyone over." I complained before grabbing her clothes. I walked around the room finding everyone she was wearing when she came inside. Before turning to face Shayne. He grabbed his shirt off the floor and put it on before answering. "I asked if she wanted to continue from where we left off and she said yes so it happened."

I mentally face palmed before I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. I placed Y/n's clothes on the toilet lid before leaving. I shut the door and made my way towards the living room where I heard laughter. "You had to do it with everyone over!" Mari yelled making me smile. "Yeah but like we were all distracted so good job bro!" Flitz yelled back.

I sat in the couch beside Keith and started to join in on the conversation before we all heard a scream coming from the bathroom. Shayne and I immediately started to run to the the door. When we got there we opened it slowly to see y/n on the floor with glass all around her. Her hand was covered in blood and it looked like she had been crying.


Your POV

Damien left my clothes on the toilet lid before leaving. I opened the shower curtain and started getting dressed. I pulled my pink shirt over my head and then pulled on my pants. I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail before hearing my phone ring. "Hello." I said putting the phone up to my ear. "Hey babe, guess who escaped the big house." I heard Ethan say. I immediately hung up the phone.

I screamed and punched the mirror making it shatter into a bunch of tiny pieces. I slowly slid down the wall and started to cry. I saw the door start to open and saw Shayne and Damien standing there in shock. Shayne pulled me up and into his arms for a hug. I started to cry into his chest. "He got out." I said sadly. "Who did." He asked while rubbing the back of my head. "Ethan got out of jail. He escaped."

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