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Your POV

The night flew by fast. The last thing I remember was being at Shayne's apartment with everyone else. Now I was at home on my couch with Anthony. "So what happened n/n. You haven't said a word since you got back, your hand is bandaged up. Tell me what's wrong." Anthony said with a concerned tone. I stayed silent. I didn't want him to worry. "Y/n if you're worried about me I'll be-" "it's not you" I interrupted.

I turned to face him and brought my knees to my chest. "Ethan got out of jail." I said just loud enough for him to hear. "What! How! He was put in jail he was going to be in there for life!" Anthony yelled while standing up. He walked and sat down over next to me. He wrapped his good arm around me and let me hug him. I made sure not to hug him too tightly but I wanted to.

"I'm going to go to bed now ok." Anthony said as he pulled away. I nodded my head before kissing his cheek. "Goodnight Ant." I said as he stood up. "Goodnight n/n." He replied while walking away.

I pulled a blanket around my body before hearing a knock at the door. I stood up and looked at the stove. It said 9:30. 'Who could be coming by at this time?' I thought while slowly walking to the door. I opened it slowly and saw Courtney. "Hey y/n. Are you ok." She asked. "Oh hey, uh yeah I'm ok. Come in." I said opening the door whisper for her to come in.

We walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "So I got a call from Ethan today." She said while looking down. As soon as she said that my eyes widened. "What did he say." I asked while scooting closer to her. Courtney looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "He said that he was going to kill you if you don't do what he says. And he said that if he sees Shayne with you he's going to kill him." Courtney said while tears streamed down her face.

I felt my eyes tear up before I started sobbing with Courtney. We hugged each other and cried for what felt like hours. When we pulled apart we finally had stopped crying. "Want to stay over?" I asked with a small smile. She nodded and smiled back at me. I went over to the door and locked it before Courtney and I headed up stairs.

"I missed doing this." Courtney said as she sat down on my bed and hugged a stuffy I had. I smiled and tossed her some clothes to change into. "Yeah, I remember us going around the house and annoying Anthony." I laughed out. She giggled before we both heard a knock on the window. I slowly walked over to it and opened the curtains to see Shayne on a later outside the window.

"Shayne?! What are you doing here?" I said as I opened the window. He crawled in and sat on the bench in front of the window. He faced me and I instantly hugged him. "I came to make sure you were ok." He said softly into my ear. I smiled and pulled away before kissing him. I pulled away and turned to Courtney. She was smiling and pointed to the window.

I looked back at the window and saw Damien. "Damien?!" I said before he crawled in. I hugged him and I heard him laugh. I came with Shayne because I was worried about you." He said. I smiled before looking at Courtney. "Was this your idea." I said. She smiled and nodded. I threw a pillow at her and laughed.

"Is that everyone or is there more?" I asked before walking to the window and looking down. "No it's just us." Damien said before sitting down on my bean bag chair. I smiled at them before sitting on my bed. "So where are you guys sleeping?" I asked. Courtney looked at Shayne before looking back to me. "Damien and I can sleep in sleeping bags on the floor." Courtney said. I nodded before leaving the room to go get them.

I walked downstairs and to the closet to grab them. I looked out the window and it seemed to quiet. I looked back at the closet and grabbed the sleeping bags before looking back at the window and screamed. I fell the the floor and started crawling backwards. "Hello Princess." Ethan said roughly. He broke he glass with his elbow and came into the house. I crawled back further until I hit my back against the wall.

Something I didn't expect to happen Where stories live. Discover now