Deaths II

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Once again, major violence warning. Now, for the deaths of days 2 and 3 and part of day 4.

Ren, Stress and Mumbo unsuccessfully ambush Cleo, Grian and Python, who kill them instead

Cleo abruptly paused and took out the spear she had made, motioning for the others to do the same. Why? Well, probably the trio that attacked them from behind mere seconds later. They turned around quickly, startling the attackers and giving them the upper hand.

It didn't help that Ren had been midair, taking a running lunge with his sword, when Cleo impaled him on her spear like a vampire on a stake. And it had pretty much the same effect, too. Grian charged at Stress, who tried to block him with her spear. The two grappled for a moment, both trying to impale the other, until Grian succeeded.

Mumbo, after seeing his teammates die, decided that the wise thing to do would be to run away. But Python knew how to throw a spear, and did. It planted itself in the back of Mumbo's leg, pinning him to the ground. As Python went in for the kill, Grian followed.

"Please, Python..."

"We have to."

And Python ripped out the spear, plunging it through Mumbo's back. Grian staggered back, mortified, and ran off. Python quickly followed, realising his mistake. Cleo was left behind, unaware of what had transpired.

Pixl sets Iskall on fire

Iskall was minding his own business, setting up a camp for him and Pixl, when he smelled smoke. Was it just him or was the arena really warm, too? He turned to ask Pixl what he thought, only to spot the recapper running into the woods.

"Coward." Iskall muttered, assuming Pixl had run out of fear of betrayal. Well, he had in a sense.

Iskall, however, had no clue where the smell of smoke was coming from until he received a sharp, burning pain on the back of his arm. He only then realised that he was slowly burning. So he did what he'd been taught: Stop, Drop and - oh gods he landed in the campfire.

He screamed in pain as he rolled around in the fire, as the burns went from first-degree to second-degree to third-degree, and soon he was left a charred corpse in the fire pit.

Grian attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death.

Grian and Python were helping their new allies find breakfast, and Grian spotted some fruit in a high-up part of a tree. He clambered easily up, and picked handfuls of the fruit. But at that precise moment, Python tripped over a log and knocked into the tree.

Grian lost his footing because of this, and because his hands were full of fruit, he couldn't grab a branch to stop his fall. And so Python was forced to watch as Grian slowly fell to his death, heard the sickening crunch of bones as Grian hit the ground, and was powerless to stop it.

"Oh Sugar Honey Ice Tea."

Zloy and Cub work together to drown TFC

"Is he STILL asleep?"


"Look, let's just put him out of his misery."


"You see that lake."

"Oh... Oh yes!"

"..Zloy you okay?"


"Good, neither am I."

"Drown him?"

"Drown him."

The two crept over to where TFC slept, wrapping him up in his sleeping bag like a giant death burrito. They then choked said death burrito in the lake. They walked away, their job done. TFC woke up from the shock of hitting the water, and struggled to get out. But nothing worked. He could see the sun from where he'd sunk, and he watched it as he blacked out from oxygen deprivation.

Yay more murder! There'll probably be a couple more death chapters and then I'll move on to less murder events.

Now, time for Death Recap!

Zed: Shot by Impulse

Jevin: Impaled by Stress

Doc: Stabbed by Zloy

Jess: Fall damage

Impulse: Suicide

Biffa: Impaled by X

Scar: Poisoned by Python

Ren: Impaled by Cleo

Stress: Impaled by Grian

Mumbo: Impaled by Python

Iskall: Incinerated by Pixl

Grian: Fall damage

TFC: Drowned by Zloy and Cub

OdalRune, signing off from the past!

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