Chapter 5 (Date Night I)

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A/N: hey guys....

Happy reading...😘😘


Yo's POV

World is so small, the man I have been thinking about whole day, is the person I'm supposed to be on a date with. How can this be happening!!

Oh! Yeah... dad's doing. If not of his persistent nature I wouldn't had been here getting worried gaze from this handsome man in front of me. I had been trying to cancel this date from the very beginning . Thinking of that now ,I must have been a fool for doing so . Oh God Wayo !! Get a grip of yourself.

I have been standing there watching the said person looking at me worriedly. He had got a great pair of honey brown eyes. His thick eyebrows and pointed nose adds more sharpness in his feature. Every change in his facial expression made him look more handsome. * seriously how can someone be this good looking. Sigh ~~~ *

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I couldn't take my eyes off of his face. He looked too mesmerising for even thinking of avoiding looking at him. He had one of his hand on my forehead and his other one was again surrounded around me.

Like he was afraid of letting me go. I felt safe in his embrace. I had never been held like this by anyone whom I have meet for the first time. It felt so perfect and comforting to be in his arm. Nothing gave the vibe of anything strange.

I was still in daze when he shook me awake of my day dream . He worriedly asked me
" Are you alright now!! Or want to have some rest. We can have this date some other time. You don't need to think about it. Just have some rest before you get really sick."

He held both my shoulders, making one hand distance between us . He bended his head in my level and looked right into my eyes checking for any uncertainty. This shook me out of my daze and I got shocked to see how much I was affect by this guy.

I blinked rapidly getting hold of my emotions and replied him
"Ummm...... I........ I'm.......... I'm fine P'." I stuttered, I couldn't believe I stuttered. Oh God!! Whats happening to me.

"Then why are you so flustered? " he incurred.

"Its just the temperature P'. Nothing else, so calm down . I'm fine. " I said watching him and I was surprised to see as a sudden relieved expression washed through his face. He was so concerned about me getting sick !! Why ?? We didn't knew each other and its probably our first meeting each other.

I was confused but didn't pounder much on the thought. He sighed shaking his head a little and straightened his posture before saying " Ummnn...... Then lets just beginning with our date , Ok!" He reached his right hand towards me . "Hi ! I am Phana Kongthanin. Nice to meet you. "

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