Chipmunk & Monkey

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The past months went absolutely great for the couple. As the days flew by their relationship was stronger than ever, lisa past conquest stopped and jennie suitor finally raises the white flag. They had been talked a lot in school and even named couple goals. Lot of students envied them, well who cannot? They both stunningly beautiful, wealthy goddess and most of all they were perfect for each other. Lisa being super clingly to jennie, always holds her hand while they walk, pick her up and carries her stuff for her. She always kiss and hug her to show her affection and so is jennie. The couple couldnt ask for more, they were indeed inlove.

Jennie being the sweetest girl she is, shows her love fo lisa in a way she was with her previous relationships. She cooks, do the the laundry and even irons her clothes, which was a typical housewife thing to do. She always surprise lisa with her favorite foods, luxurious presents, and flowers everytime she went to her apartment which made lisa surprised since no one had done those things for her, in a different way.

It flabbergast her how jennie shows her love that made her estatic. Jennie was indeed a heaven-sent, she thought of. She couldn't be any happier with her. Being around her makes her complete and safe.

Everything went well, time flew by so fast for them not to realized that it the fall semester was about to end.


Her parents were away so jennie invited lisa to come overnight.

Lisa wake up beside her girlfriend sleeping so she decided to cook breakfast for her. Since they have been together almost everyday. She learned some basic cooking but shes not as good as jennie, at least she doesnt burn the food this time.

"Oh, hi baby good morning" lisa sweetly said as jennie went to hug her
"Why didnt you wake me up love? I was shocked you werent beside me" jennie pouted
"Awe. My cute baby, you were in deep sleep love, how can i wake up an angel sleeping peacefully? I made breakfast" lisa smiled
"It would be better if I will have my breakfast today already" jennie smirked
"Huh? But jennie, your breakfast is on the table —." Lisa was cut off as jennie lightly pushed her to the counter that made lisa bend a little enough for..
"I dont want anything but you" jennie kissed her neck and.. you guys know what happened next.

After that morning session/make out/breakfast the two went to watch movies at the living room.

"Baby, ill be having my lunch at home. Is it okay? Mom and dad are expecting me there, its been like two months already since I went home." lisa said as she hung up her call after talking to her sister nancy
"Do you want to come with me?" Lisa added and hugged jennie
"I would love too but my parents will arrive shortly right? They might get mad if im nowhere to be found again" jennie chuckles
"Okay love. And im sorry for this past few weeks your parents are mad at you because I always asked you to spend the night at my place" lisa sadly said and looked down
"Dont feel bad about it love. Even if you dont ask it, I would still do that for you. It was also my choice okay? Jennie said as she cupped lisas face
"Thank you baby. I love you" lisa smiled and kissed jennie
"I love you more" jennie sweetly said
"I have to go now love. Ill call you when im home. Bye" lisa said as she kissed jennies forehead and went up to grab her car keys.



As soon as lisa parked her car. She sends a message to jennie before she get out.

*To My Love: Hi my love! Im home already. Take your lunch okay. I love you, and I missed you already.
*My Live: I missed you too so much love! Be back soon. I love you. Say hi for me to your siblings"

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