Treebros Headcannons

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Requested by the amazing RootinTootinACPutin  they're pretty cool so go check them out I love their work :)

- Connor doesn't like to admit it but he writes down all the facts that Evan tells him about trees in a little notebook that Heidi got him
- Evan and Connor have argued over whether to have a Marvel, Star Wars or Disney marathon
- Whilst walking around the park and talking about trees, Evan walked into a tree and Connor laughed so hard he literally couldn't breathe
- Whenever Evan feels insecure about his body Connor gives him cute innocent lil kisses on whatever he's insecure about and usually it tickles to Evan so much that he accidentally slaps Connor while laughing and Connor just smiles at his dork of a boyfriend
- Cynthia got Connor a Samoyed because she figured it would be good to give him a responsibility but Evan has fallen in love with and claimed the dog so Connor has completely given up on his attempt at having his own dog and shares with his boyfriend
- Evan has a turtle because "I just think they're neat!"
- Evan is the kind of person to text Connor at 3 am and say "hey you up" and when Connor responds he immediately goes "Connor wtf it's three am go to sleep"
- They go to the same therapist and just gush about each other all the time and Dr. Sherman is getting sick of their shit so he books them into the same time window and they both show up and are very confused about how they got double booked until Dr. Sherman comes out and bursts out laughing seeing both of them looking at the schedule baffled and comparing confirmation texts
- One time Connor got really mad and punched a tree so hard his knuckles started to bleed and Evan got so worried about it getting infected that he completely wrapped it up and changed the bandages every day even though it just barely broke the skin
- Evan once got his hand stuck in a peanut butter jar trying to scoop the last of it out with his finger so Connor had to cut it off his hand and was freaking out about potentially cutting Evan so much that he started crying so Evan has to just stand there awkwardly and attempt to comfort his boyfriend with one hand
- Connor got Evan a bonsai tree for his birthday but he started crying because "They're not supposed to be this small! They force them to grow small and it's not right!" And Connor had no idea what to do
- The boyos have a running joke from when they were in their sophomore year where they were at a park and saw a hairy fat old shirtless dude walking around and Connor just said really quietly to Evan "lookin sharp" and Evan started dYING laughing so whenever they see someone shirtless (bonus points if they're old) they just say to the other "lookin sharp" and try to hold on their fits of giggles (inspired by an inside joke me and one of my irl friends have!)
- Heidi and Cynthia are baffled by Connors ability to bake but Evan is the only one that knows Connor just learned to bake so he could make weed brownies but then he branched out to other things
- Zoe helps to coordinate their outfits whenever they have a date but they don't know that, they just think Zoe is really sweet to help them get ready even though Evan finds it a little odd that she always asks if she can FaceTime while he's getting ready
- Evan is frickin aMAZING at rock climbing. Like Connor started trying to convince him to do something else for every event because one minute he's on the ground and then Connor looks away and looks back and he's like 30 feet up the wall
- Evan gets bullied but he's kinda used to it at this point bc hey, it's high school, but one of the bullies called Connor a slur and Evan got so pissed that he punched the dude in the face and broke his nose. They don't bother Connor anymore.
- Speaking of bullies, if Connor ever sees Evan getting bullied he fully fights whoever's bothering Evan
- All the employees at Á la Mode know them and their orders, even the janitors and stuff
- Every time they go to the grocery store Connor insists that he rides in the cart
- Every single surface in Evan's room has at least 3 succulents on it. There are so many plants in Evan's room that Connor has counted each one (there's 47) and grounded his boyfriend from buying any more and takes them whenever he tries

I couldn't think of any more at the moment, but these were really fun to write! Again, thanks RootinTootinACPutin for the idea, go give 'em a follow!

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