He came back Pt. 1

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Treebros angst? No one asked for it, but here it is. This is set in a universe where Evan hadn't broken his arm yet and he was dating Connor.
TW: Suicide, self harm, abuse, rape. Stay safe!
Word count: 1492
Connors POV
Something's off. I don't know why, but Evan has been acting weird for the last few weeks. We were at his house, cuddling on the couch, and then the phone rings. He went to go get it and about 10 minutes later he comes back, eyes red and puffy like he had been crying. I asked him what was wrong. I did. He said it was nothing. I didn't believe him, but I let it go.
A week after that, he stopped letting me come over to his house. Why? He wouldn't tell me. "It's not important," he said. "Don't worry about it," he said. I did worry. I didn't tell him I was worried, but it was eating me up inside.
Another few days go by, he only wore long sleeves. This was a huge red flag for me, as he always wears t-shirts and polo shirts. I know that when I started wearing long sleeves, it was to cover the cuts on my arms. I asked him about it. He said he was fine.
Another few days, and he was flinching at my touch. Loud noises, crashing or banging sounds, quick movements, sudden touches. He would flinch away, sometimes covering his face or shielding himself with his arms. He used to love when I casually rested my hand on his thigh. Now, he hates it. He jerks away so forcefully that I'm afraid he'll hurt himself. I asked him what was wrong. He said nothing.
Now, I wish I had pushed it. He's missing. I call him every morning and in the evenings to make sure he's alright and he always picks up or texts me that he can't talk at the moment but he'll call back later. He hasn't picked up any of my calls. I called Heidi and asked where he was and she said that he told her he was with me. I drove to his house. Nothing. I'm on my way to the Orchard now, there's nowhere else he would go. I don't know what to do. If he's hurt, I'll never forgive myself.
Evans POV
I know I've been acting weird. I can't help it. I know it's because of what he's done to me, but I can't tell Connor that. He'll freak out and tell my mom, and then he'll kill me. Maybe not actually kill me, but definitely do something worse than what he's already doing.
I wear long sleeves. I have to cover the cuts I make, of course, but also the bruises. God, there's so many bruises. I used to love when Connor rested his hand on my thigh. Now I can't stand it. He ruined it for me. "This is our secret, Evvie. Don't tell anyone, or something really bad will happen."
God knows I can't let Connor come over to my house. If he shows up while Connor's there, who knows what he'd do. I can't take it anymore.
Which is why I left. I grabbed my anxiety meds and my craft knife and took my bike to the orchard. I wrote a note, I'll make sure it's in my hand when I die. I'll miss Connor and my Mom. Oh, and Jared. Even though he can kinda be a dick.
I wrote everything that's been going on over the past few weeks on my note. How my da- Mark called and said he missed me. I told him that he had plenty of time to come visit me but he never did, so it was kind of hard to believe that he actually missed me. He got pissed. Told me he would see me in a few days. I wrote about how he showed up while I was home alone and immediately punched me in the face. How this became a daily ordeal. How he started to do some things to me that I wanted to do with someone I actually loved, not just be forced to the ground, tied up, and gagged so that I couldn't get him off me. How he told me thousands of things I already told myself, except now they hurt more. How he forced me to cut and the eventually I did it myself because I knew I deserved it. How he would throw things at me and beat me until I could hardly breathe. How he came back. I told Connor and my mom that I was sorry, but the world would be better off without this mess of a human.
I arrive at the old apple orchard and park my bike outside the gates, right under the "NO TRESPASSING" sign. I quickly climb over it, the pills, knife, and note in my back pocket. I run. Just running until I get deep enough into the woods that no one will find me unless they really look. I didn't realize it, but I'm crying. Not sure when that started. I find my tree. It's always been my favorite, Connor knows that. Out initials are carved into the side of it.
It seems tall enough and has a branch low enough for me to grab it and start climbing. So I do. I climb and climb, tears streaming down my face and blurring my vision. I don't care.
I'm about 30 or 40 feet in the air now. This should be high enough. I stop and sit on a branch, pulling the things out of my back pocket.
First, the knife. I pull back my sleeves and make 15 mid-depth cuts on each arm. I've been planning this for a while, I know what I'm doing. I watch as the blood trickles out of the skits and drips onto the branch and the ground below. It's a terrifyingly beautiful sight. It's almost... calming?
I grab the pill bottle. Shit, I didn't bring any water. Guess I'll swallow them dry. I pour out about 20 into my hand. Will it be enough? Oh well, the fall will hopefully finish the job.
I quickly put all of the bitter pills into my mouth. They're hard to swallow, but I manage to get them all down. I toss the bottle and the knife onto the ground below me. I'm pretty sure the bottle broke. Oh well. Not like I'll use it again.
Connors POV
I arrive at the Orchard and see... Evan's bike? Well, at least I know he's here. I quickly get out of the car and climb the all-too-familiar fence. This is the place where I first tried to commit.
Oh god.
I run into the woods, knowing exactly which tree was Evan's favorite. It was one of the tallest trees and- oh no.
I run for a solid 2 minutes and look around, panting. "Evan?" I call out.
No response.
I walk farther into the woods and hear crying coming from above me. "Evan? Baby, where are you?! It's Connor..." I trail off. I see the tree. It has our initials carved into the side of it. There's a craft knife on the ground in front of it. I hear a rattling sound from above and quickly step back as a prescription pill bottle falls from the tree and smashes on impact.
I quickly jog towards the fragmented pieces and try to put together the label.
oh god.
"EVAN!" I yell, looking up. I see some leaves shift and then- there he is. Holy shit, he's high up. Oh my god. He's trying to...
I have to get him down.
Evan's POV
What is he doing here? How did he find me? Why is he-
A wave of nausea hits me and I almost lose my grip on the branch. I can tell he saw it. He put out his arms. It's cute that he thinks he could save me.
"Wh-What are you d-doing he-h-here?" I say as loudly as I can. Geez, these pills work fast. My ears are ringing. Connor said something, but I can't hear it. My stomach hurts. My head hurts. My arms are bleeding.
Oh god, this was a mistake.
Connors POV
What am I doing here? Is he serious?
"Trying to save your ass! Please, come down! Did you already take the pills?"
I don't think he heard me. He's staring, but I don't think things are really registering.
"Help..." he says weakly. I can barely hear him. Oh god. He can't die.
He slipped.
He's falling.
I'm screaming.
My arms are out.
I jump to meet him.
The impact grows near.
He's on me.
I hit the ground.
Everything goes black.
Evan's POV
Everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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