chapter six

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chapter six — crazy people

"YOU WERE REFERRED TO ME by a Dr. Barbera in Chicago?" the doctor said skeptical, looking from the file to the three and back.

After a few weeks they all realized they had to keep moving on and because Katherine didn't know what to do with her life now and she knew she needed distraction, she went off with the boys. In the few weeks they've been off Dean and Sam teached the girl a few things, gladly she already did kickboxing so she knew the basics. They teached her how to deal with a person if she's pointing a gun at you, throwing it outta her hand n all that stuff. She soon realized how much muscles you had to have to do this job so she worked out every night for one hour and tried to eat as healthy as she could. Which was hard having Dean beside her with his fast food and wondering how he still can look like that.

"That's right." Dean responded. The doc laid the file down on his desk now focusing on the oldest Winchester. "Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Barbara?" Kat couldn't help it but smirk, letting out a small noise but it was enough to make Dean glance over to her with a death stare. Immediately her face went back to normal. "I don't know. I don't have any elephant books. Look, doctor, I-I think that the doc was in over his head with these two because my siblings are, uh..." He whistled, making the sign of insanity. Katherine needed to stop herself from rolling her eyes but Dean was pretty proud of his acting skills. "Okay, fine, thank you, that's- that's really not necessary. Why don't you tell me how you're feeling, Alex and uh, Sarah." Sarah looked over at Alex who let out a sigh. "I'm-I'm fine. Honestly. I mean- okay, a little depressed, I guess." The doc was taking notes. "All right. Any idea why?" Alex nodded. "Probably because I started the apocalypse." Sarah smirked, knowing that this was the truth but, well. Of course the doctors didn't really like that respond. He stopped writing and took a look at Alex. "The apocalypse?" "Yeah. That's right." The doc looked at Dean who was smirking, knowing that they got him. The doc let out a laugh of disbelief. "And you think you started it?" Alex looked as if he was thinking. "Well, yeah. I mean, I killed this demon, Lilith, and I accidentally freed Lucifer from hell. So now he's topside, and we're trying to stop him." The doctor looked confused, Sarah just realizing what Alex said and taking in a sharp breath but being quiet. "Who is?" Alex pointed at Dean and Sarah. "Me. Uh them. And, uh, this one angel." "Oh, you mean like a—? Like an angel on your shoulder?" Alex shook his head.  "No no, his name's Castiel. He wears a trench coat."

"See what I mean, doc? These kids' been beating up themselves about this for months. The apocalypse wasn't Alex' fault." The doctor looked at Dean, confused. "It's not?" "No. This other demon, Ruby, got him addicted to demon blood. I mean, near the end, he was practically chugging the stuff!" Sarah was sitting there quiet, hoping that the doctor would come to her, too and hoping this wouldn't take long because she didn't want to tell her whole story over again, even tho the doctor doesn't believe it.

"He was just...high." The Winchester finished and Alex nodded in agreement. "Could you fix him up? So we can get back to traveling around the country and hunting monsters?" Sarah finally spoke up, the doctor looking as if he didn't even notice her until now. "And what's with you? What kind story do you have?" Sarah sighed, trying to bring her acting talent out. "Well. As I said, we are hunting monsters all around the world. My dad did the same thing. I mean, he never mentioned what exactly he was hunting but once, I saw this person with black eyes and it killed him." Sarah made her eyes filled with tears. "Ten years later, a few days ago, I just happened to bump into my long lost step brothers, looking out for my mom. Then we met Lucifer who just wanted to bring Death on earth and Eddie (A/N: Dean) shot him in the head but he didn't die. Then we-"

The doctor interrupted. "Hold up, so with Death you mean like- he wanted to kill everyone on earth?" Sarah shook her head. "No, Death is actually a person who the angels kept deep down under the earth in a cage. Well, ending of the story, we went home but Eddie decided to try and fix us because he thought that Alex and I blamed ourselves for too many things." Sarah sighed and looked at the doctor who blinked a few times. He never had something crazy like this and that means something. Slowly he raised his hand to the telephone, dialed one number and then raised the telephone to his ear.

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