1. AUBB2104

7 0 0

APRIL 23, 2016


2:26 am     Hi!

2:41 am     Hey!

2:50 am     Please don't ignore me.

2:50 am     I saw your post on the helpless.com forum.


oh hi     2:53 am 

thought u were like a spam bot or sth     2:53 am

how did you find my formachat account?     2:54 am

why not just reply to the post?     2:54 am

cuz I'm not rly comfortable     2:54 am

with     2:54 am

u know     2:54 am

strangers stalking my social media     2:55 am


2:56 am     Sorry.

2:56 am     My name is Aubrey.

2:57 am     In your post you said you feel like all your friends from school "seem so static, like plain cardboard cutouts representing the most boring personalities", so I navigated around the internet, trying to find a way to talk to you

2:57 am     Because I'm willing to be a friend


yea but u could've just asked me for my contact info     2:57 am


2:58 am     I feel the same way, just like you.

2:58 am     Everything on your post, I can genuinely relate to.

2:58 am     My parents also laughed when I said I wanted to try therapy cuz I have like almost all the signs of depression and anxiety.

2:58 am     I have literally zero friends.

2:59 am     You're lucky you still know your parents love you.

2:59 am     Mine are 100% strict and they never let me do anything.

2:59 am     Like why have children if you're just going to lock them in their room 24 hours a day.

2:59 am     Plus, at least you get good grades. I am literally the dumbest in my whole school.


mine also keep me indoors 24/7     2:59 am

on school days at least     2:59 am

prolly to the mall occasionally     3:00 am

but they've never     3:00 am

NEVER     3:00 am

let me walk around alone     3:00 am

not even around the neighborhood     3:00 am

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