| Jack | Distance |

220 8 11

I stared at my phone screen, waiting, willing it to ring. It was now 1:56 am and I had been waiting for the last hour for him to ring, terrified to fall asleep incase I missed his call. We didn't get to talk last night due their show over running and him getting stuck in traffic. There was no way we would have been able to talk whilst he was on the tour bus with all the other boys causing chaos, still buzzing from their concert high. I didn't want to keep him from spending time with his band mates either, they were living the dream, the dream they've chased for so long.

My eyelids begin to feel heavier and heavier. I shut my eyes briefly to try and get some relief from the tiredness that was threatening to take over me.

Suddenly, my phone began to buzz causing my eyes to spring open. The light from my phone stinging my eyes as I see his face across my screen. I smile and swipe across the bottom to accept.

"Jack?" I ask

"Yeah beautiful, it's me " He replies, smiling back at me as he walks around his hotel room, dumping his bag on his bed. "I am so sorry I didn't call sooner but traffic was fucking ridiculous again. We had to wait for like half an hour while Andy gathered all his shit together, why he takes so much stuff with him everywhere we go I don't know. Then, we'd just set off and I got a text from Brook saying 'Where are you?' and I was like 'On the bus mate, where else would I be?' and he was like 'Fuck don't go yet I'm not on it' I honestly question what planet he's on sometimes. Me and Andy voted to just leave him there and pick him up tomorrow but Sonny and Rye were like 'No that's mean'. I reckon Sonny only wanted him so he has someone to cuddle and Rye just likes to take the piss out of him." He sighs as he lies down on his bed turning over and propping his phone up on a pillow.

"Why does that not surprise me?" I reply after he finishes his little rant.

"Because we're RoadTrip." He replies, chuckling softly. "Anyway, rant over, how are you gorgeous? It's been so long since we've actually spoken, let alone FaceTime."

"Better now I'm talking to you." I say whilst trying to stifle a yawn and failing.

"Wait what time is it in the UK now?" He asks.

"Erm, it is 2:06 am right now." I answer.

"No wonder you're tired, please try and get some sleep."

"No I'm fine, just a bit tired. How was your show?" I ask, not wanting the call to end so soon.

"It was wicked, honestly I wish you could have been there. The crowd was insane, pretty sure they know the words to our songs better than Rye." He chuckles lightly.

"Again, that doesn't really surprise me." I smile back before another yawn threatens to make its way out but manage to stop myself.

"Brook fell over again, surprise surprise. Honestly, reckon I might have to wrap him up in bubble wrap, I really don't know how he hasn't broken a bone yet."

"Jack my love, you head butt shit and spray anything you can in your mouth, I'm surprised you haven't died yet."

"Right, when was the last time I banged my head?" He glares at me.

"I don't know, I'm too tired to think right now" I sigh, turning over in bed, leaning my phone up against another pillow.

"Then go to sleep beautiful." He smiles at me softly, he green eyes full of love.

"I don't want to say good bye though, I want to keep talking to you." I mumble as rub my eyes with my free hand whilst the other keeps my phone steady.

"I'll stay here until you go to sleep I promise, I'm not going anywhere."

I hum in response, too tired to form a proper sentence anymore. I have one last look at his beautiful green eyes on the screen before letting my eyes slip shut.

Just before sleep can take over me, I hear what sounds like a guitar being strummed. My eyes too heavy to open I just listen.

How can someone
Be right here
Then without a warning
Like we were just talking
On the phone
Then in a moment
A silent tone

I can hear his voice, coming through my earphones quietly, blending smoothly with the chords of the guitar, the two coming together in perfect harmony.

Why'd you leave
Why'd you go
When you leave
Where'd you go

I can hear the waver in his voice. I try to open my eyes to look at him, to tell him everything's gonna be okay. I want to reassure him that we're gonna be together again soon, that I can't wait to have him in my arms. I don't though, the pull of sleep too strong, too tired to fight it.

I see you when I look to the stars
Eternal, eternal we are
I feel it right here deep in my heart
Eternal, eternal we are

I finally lose the battle and sleep takes me completely, his voice being the last thing I hear.


I groan as I hear my alarm beeping at me. I open my eyes, getting up and reaching to turn if off when I see it's not in my bedside table where I normally leave it. Then I remember last night and groan again.

I fell asleep with it in bed.

The constant beeping starting to really piss me off now, I stand and begin to shake my duvet, the sound of my phone hitting the floor making me cringe. I crawl over my bed and reach down to grab it, switching of my alarm. I sigh, enjoying silence that follows.

As I look at my phone I see that the FaceTime call to jack from last night is still going. He must have fallen asleep and forgotten to switch it off. A smile spreads across my face. I really don't want to end the call. I then get a warning on my phone, telling me I only have 20% of my battery life left and realise that if I don't end it, the call will drain his battery. Reluctantly, I tap on the red button at the bottom ending the call.

Then I open my messages, seeing a new message from him as well. I frown, opening it.

Jack ❤️: Okay so you fell asleep but I can't bring myself to end the call so sorry if you've got like no battery left in the morning x

Jack ❤️: Also, you fell asleep before I could tell you but I love you x

I can't fight the smile that spreads across my face.

Me: I love you too x


Not 100 % sure if I like this one. I think it sounded better in my head but it's fine, I don't think I've got anything to lose by posting it but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.

it's tired, i'm late x

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