| Jack | Hair |

146 6 16

I never really gave it much thought at first.

He'd just do it every often.

Sometimes when we were cuddled up together he'd do it.

Or just before we fell to sleep.

Or even if we were out doing something together he'd stop me just so he could do it.

I never really thought that much of it.

I think the first time I truly noticed it was a few months ago, not long after we had made it official. We had just gotten back to his after our date. I had curled my hair and put it up but as soon as we stepped through the door his hands were in my hair, tugging the bobble out as his lips crashed against mine. This kiss was heated and desperate, the intensity only heightened by his constant tight grip on my hair, keeping my head tilted back as his lips skimmed down across my neck, leaving a trail of bruising kisses.

After that I began to notice it more.

He did it a lot more.

Like the night of our return from a night out with all the lads celebrating their recent successes. One drink too many had me hunched over the toilet for most of the early hours, Jack never leaving my side. He held my hair back as I emptied the contents of my stomach, stumbling around as he got my dressing gown and a bottle of water, not completely sober himself. His hand rubbing small circles at the bottom of my back as I drifted to sleep in his arms, exhausted from the constant heaving, his hand stroking my head softly.

It became a constant thing he did.

He seemed to always have his hands in my hair.

Whether it be a simple tucking a few loose strands behind my ear, tugging gently as we kissed or even using his grip on my hair to dominate me, making me scream his name.


I stretched slightly before relaxing onto the bed, resting my head on Jack's chest, one arm draped across his chest and my leg resting on his waist. He laced his fingers with mine, his other hand resting on my head as his fingers played with my hair. I chew on my bottom lip nervously as I think about how I'm gonna ask him.

"Jack?" I asked.


"I was thinking and I was wondering, like I don't mind I was just curious and I just can't stop thinking-" I ramble before Jack cuts me off.

"Hey, it's okay, you can ask me anything." he says softly, his hand coming under my chin to make me tilt my head up to look at him. His green eyes scan my face.

I shift, his intense gaze making me squirm and my skin heat up. I take a deep breath, gathering the courage to ask the question that had been eating away at me for a while.

"Do you like, have a thing for my hair?" I ask shyly, feeling the heat of my blush flood through my cheeks. I glance up at him, seeing a small smirk tugging at his lips.

"What makes you say that?" He questions while he carefully brushes a few loose strands out of my face, tucking them behind my ear, the small gesture leaving a burning trail on my skin.

"Well, I mean you just always seem so fascinated by it." I say, fiddling with the tassels on his hoodie, avoiding his gaze.

"Maybe I do" He breathes out, his warm breath fanning across my face making me realise how close we are.

I tilt my head up, eyes slipping shut as I press my lips against his. The kiss is slow and sweet, soft and delicate, our lips moving against each other gently. His fingers continue run through my hair, sending tingles down my spine. We pull apart and look into his eyes, now a much darker green.

His lips meet mine again with much more desperation than previously. His teeth sink into my bottom lip and I part my lips, letting him invade my mouth, submitting to him. His hands fist in my hair as he pushes me onto my back, rolling on top of me. My legs wrap instinctively around his waist, bringing him closer to me. I grip the back of his hoodie as he continues kiss me, our tongues twisting together.

He pulls away, looking at me before brushing my hair out of my face. His lips are a much darker shade of pink, glistening from the kiss. His hot breath warms my face as he breathes deeply, mirroring my own chest, rising and falling heavily. His hands never leave my hair as he lowers his head again, lips meeting my neck. A small moan leaves my mouth as I feel his teeth against my skin, nipping and sucking as he moves to the small dip between my collar bones.

"Jack please." I whimper, desperate for more, desperate to feel his skin on mine, desperate for him.

"In answer to your question, yes." He pants as he brings his face level with mine once again, eye dark with want.

"Yes?" I question, mind hazy from his intoxicating touch.

"Yes, I fucking love your hair." He breathes out, twirling a lock of it between his fingers.

"Really?" I ask confused by his fascination.

"Really." He confirms, pressing himself against me, making me feel his obvious arousal.

He lowers his head, his lips brushing against my ear before his teeth tug gently on my lobe. I let out a soft moan as I feel him starting to move his hips against mine, fueling my desire for him.

"God the things you do to me." He groans, his grip on my hair tightening.

"Jack please, I want you, need you." I whine, the clothes separating us almost suffocating me.

"I'm yours baby." He says before pressing a soft kiss on my lips.

I catch him by surprise, pushing up against him, causing our positions to switch. I sit up, now straddling him. His hips buck up against me as his hands rub up and down my bare legs, his touch making me shiver. I look down at him, my bottom lip between my teeth. My hands grip the bottom of his hoodie, slowly pushing it up his chest as I lean down, placing a line of soft kisses just above the waistband of his boxers. His hands move from my legs to grip my hair.

"Not yet." I tease, carefully pulling his hands away and as I do I notice the bobble I have on my wrist.

I sit back up smirking at him as I bring my hands up to my head, running my hands through my hair. He places his hands on my hips, his grip tightening as I begin to gather my hair up. I tug the bobble off my wrist, pulling my hair through before twisting the bobble and repeating the process. Jack lets out a low groan as I split my ponytail into two, pulling as I tighten it.

"Babe, what are-" He starts but I cut him off with a quick kiss on is lips before trailing them down his neck.

I shuffle further down the bed, gripping his joggers, tugging them down along with his boxers. He lets slip a soft sigh of relief lifting his head to look at me. His hands grip my head, guiding me to where he wants me.

I comply, wanting nothing more than to please him.


Hi I know it's been a while since I updated but I hope this makes up for it?

it's tired, i'm late x

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