X) Saved by an Angel

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"Chat Noir, wake up!" Adrien felt himself being shook, but his mumbling continued.

"Marinette, come back. Please. I didn't mean it like that." Tears squeezed through his closed eyes as he rambled in his sleep.

"Shh. I'm here. I'm right here." Marinette hushed, pulling the super hero into her lap. She stoked his wet hair and kissed his forehead, bringing the sleeping man out of his dreams. "Chat?"

"Marinette..." he looked up into her eyes as he came to, cuddled in her arms on the street. He was soaking wet and cold against Marinette's warm arms. Her wide eyes shot between his own, bringing his attention to his peculiar location. "W-where are we?"

Marinette struggled to fight back tears. She could smell the pungent alcohol on his breath, meaning he'd obviously been drinking. The fact that he couldn't remember where they were only furthered this fact. He was really starting to worry her. Him cutting himself was already enough, along with distancing himself. Him getting drunk wasn't going to make helping him easy.

"Basically in the street." She replied quietly. She wondered what she could say to make it better, but knew she'd have to withhold her knowledge. Only Ladybug (from what she could tell) knew about what he was doing to himself. If Marinette suddenly knew about it, either he'd know she was Ladybug, or he'd get mad that Ladybug told somebody. The best way to help him, Marinette concluded, was to comfort him silently. Make him feel loved, but not in a suspicious way. Pointing to the bag beside him, Marinette opened her mouth again. "I see you've been drinking. Gotta say, I'm disappointed. Whatever happened to being sober on the job?"

Chat Noir looked at Marinette with confusion. His eyes trailed the length of her arm and her finger, where the countless beers were left abandoned in their bag. "I guess I got carried away." his voice was husky and raw, possibly from all the screaming and pleading in his sleep. "And to be fair, It's not my night of patrol. So, I'm not on the job." The hero sat up and pulled himself away with a wince, his hangover already affecting him greatly. Marinette hummed as she stood, knowing he was right. The only reason she was even there was due to hearing his screams as Ladybug.

"Here, let's get you up," Marinette grabbed Chat by the wrists, pulling him up. The whole time, Adrien's arm flared up in pain. He thought instead of how effortlessly Marinette pulled him up. "Now, I know you might not seem keen on the idea, but I'm bringing you back to my apartment." Adrien felt his eyes narrow on command, and his lips downturn into a scowl. Why? I have no problem with Mari. "Now don't go acting like that." she scorned. "I'm doing the city a service. Nobody needs a drunk Chat Noir out on the streets." Adrien felt his body lurch forward as Marinette attempted to walk. "You have legs you know. Use them, please." The hero steadied himself before looping his hand to his lower back.

"I have an even better idea." He scooped up Marinette with one hand while extending his baton with the other, causing an unexpected scream.

"Chat Noir! Put me down right now!" He paid little mind to her protests as he rocketed them towards her apartment. "H-how do you know where I live kitty cat?" Marinette ruffled his hair and smirked, sticking her tongue out at him. Chat Noir waited a moment to answer, instead focusing on the route.

"I'm an observant kitty. And, it looks like I'm not the only one who's had a drink." He spared a moment to look into her eyes as he drew closer to her apartment's balcony. Or as he liked to call it, the landing strip.

"Oh, definitely not as much as you. A drink perhaps. It was girls night, what can I say." She smiled cheekily into his chest as he stepped onto flat ground.

"I don't see a dragon. How else is a princess supposed to be protected?" He asked as he placed her down and looked around. His eyes landed on a wind chime of little silver bells and a cat shaped piece of stained wood. He smiled as he heard Marinette open the balcony door.

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