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Yoongi slept in and so did Jenny. Jenny slept curled in a ball and quietly while Yoongi was sprawled out and snorting. He kept kicking her in their sleep. A knock on the door woke the both of them. "YA!" A voice yelled. "Oh goodness..." Jenny said, yawning and stretching. Yoongi remained in the same spot and groaned. "Jin.." "Who's that?" Jenny asked but Yoongi was quiet. "Don't answer." He said in a demanding tone. "But it's obviously important if he's yelling and banging like that." "We're on a break, for fucksake. He'll go away." Yoongi rolled over and pulled Jenny back down. He was warm but he had morning breath that made Jenny cringe. But her heart fluttered when he pulled her closer. They'd just met and he could be a total psycho but Jenny really didn't care. The sun shined through the curtains and blinded her so she rolled over facing Yoongi. He didn't open his eyes and after a minute he began to snore again, making Jenny laugh. She didn't mind his snoring and soon fell asleep. It was Saturday and she didn't have work, so why not? They were woken by breakfast. People came in with trays of fruit and shit and set it up all fancy. Yoongi got up to pee with bed head and Jenny asked to shower. Yoongi shrugged and pointed to the shower. They'd just met last night and they were already acting like a married couple. Jenny liked her water extra hot and the hotel soap smelled godly. She was about to rinse her hair when Yoongi decided to step in also. "Holy shit, what the fuck?" She covered herself while he laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not going to try anything." He reached around her for some soap, his penis brushing her leg. "Let me wash you?" He said quietly in her ear. Jenny's heart was beating fast and she'd only seen one man naked before and she didn't know this guy and he could be a fucking psycho but there she was, in the shower with a weirdo, about to let him wash her body for her, like they were a couple. But with the heat between her legs, how could she say no? The shower ended far too quick for Jenny's liking. Unfortunately, Yoongi was a man of his word. Not once did he try to kiss or have sex with Jenny. And she was angry. He must be gay, she thought, cause what the fuck.
At home, her roommate, Ae-Cha, was up cleaning. Jenny really admired her roommate. She was a quiet girl who loved to cook and read books. She wrote poetry and played the piano and liked to make Jenny random little cakes when she got home from work. Ae-Cha was taller than Jenny but much slimmer, borderline anorexic looking but she ate like a man who'd been starved his whole life.
"Where were you last night?" She asked worked. She bombarded Jenny with questions of how could she not think to call her and how worried she was. "I'm fine," Jenny reassured her, "I'm home and safe, I'm okay. I was with a friend." "But you don't have any friends." Ae-Cha said, "I have one now." Jenny argued, a little offended. "Imma go change." "Was it a man?" Ae-cha asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Yep." Jenny said, and Ae-Cha gasped. "Oh no." "Oh yes." Jenny said, as if anything had even happened. Jenny changed into her own relaxing clothes, leggings and a tee shirt with her best friends picture on it, reading born 1997 to 2019.

Jenny's mother died from a heart attack and not long after, her best friend Liv killed her self. "Be sage Jenny, it could be dangerous over there but make sure to have fun. I love you." Were the last words she'd spoken to Jenny. They'd met when they were younger, maybe eight or nine years old and Jenny was being bullied. Liv was outgoing and a bit violent off her meds but the best friend Jenny ever head. And losing her after losing her mother, she had no one. She went to college for teaching, aiming to do something she loved. Then someone suggested teaching abroad and that when she decided to go to South Korea.
Jenny was cooking with Ae-Cha when her phone rang. Ae-Cha stopped cutting vegetables and stared at Jenny. "That's him, yeah?" Jenny answered and sure enough, it was Yoongi. "No." Jenny told Ae-Cha. "L I A R ! !" Ae-Cha slammed the knife down, makin Jenny jump. Ae-Cha giggled. Yoongi spoke into the phone, "I'm coming to get you." He said, "How do you know where I am?" "I don't." He continued, "But your going to tell me and I'm going to come and drop off your wallet and we're going to dinner." "But I'm cooking with my roommate." "Okay?" Jenny was blushing. Did she like this dude? I mean she let him shower with her so she must. "Okay. Let me tell Ae-Cha. Gimme a min to get ready." She gave him the address and went to change. Ae-Cha wasn't angry instead she encouraged Jenny to get out. Jenny knew if Liv was there, she'd be boosting Jenny's confidence and helping her make up, etc. and for a moment, she almost cried.

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