Chapter Ten: Here We Go Again...

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Emme POV


I wake up in the morning and stretch out my hands, seeking Aribah's presence, but finding nothing. I'm terrified, not for me, but for her. What if the careers found her?? She could be dead, and I wouldn't have been able to defend her! I get up immediately and rush down the tree to find her. I calm down when I see her with two cups of water, amd some berries prepared for when I got up. I sigh in relief as I sit down with her to have breakfast. She smiles at me, and insists I drink up, dehydration is bad after all. We both finish eating and she gives me this... creepy smile. "Don't worry, I'll take care of your precious family for you." She giggles at me in an... uncomfortable way... After a couple moments, she's confused why somethings not happening, then collapses to the ground, spasming uncontrollably. Blood pours out of her mouth as she enjoys the last few moments of her life. I hear a cannon, signaling she's gone. My mouth is hanging wide open, twitching, but no screams escape. Just.... pure..... silence. I rush over to our supplies and collect it all, including hers as the hovercraft comes to collect her body. I get out of there as quickly as humanly possible, terrified of Aribah's actions. I run, and run, and keep running, until I'm out of breath and set up a new camp.

Jack POV


The others and I fend ourselves off from the other tributes making their way out of the cornucopia. We decide to set up camp on top of the cornucopia, up high away from predators in the woods. Since we got rid of everybody, whatever the other tributes didn't take, is ours. There's a huge pile of bags, weapons, and food inside the cornucopia, hidden from the other tributes that might dare to steal from us. We set up a camp fire at the bottom of the cornucopia, and start roasting a raw fish for us to snack on for the night. Alex slightly burns it, and Ali just lectures me about cooking. Wow, that's one girl who loves cooking. Tabi and I just start giggling at Ali's disapproving glare, and get back to eating. We finish up pretty quickly, and by then its time to count up the dead. The anthem plays and we watch the four tributes we killed shine in the sky for a brief moment, then disappear forever. I climb up the top of the cornucopia and sleep along with Alex and Tabi, Ali's taking the first watch and will wake me up in an hour to take the second. I shut my eyes, and fall asleep immediately.

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