Part 1

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- Your face brimming with tears, you walked out of San's apartment complex and spotted wooyoung's lean figure waiting for you patiently
- Once he noticed your tears, his eyes widened with confusion- then realization hits him, then anger
- You start to run to him and he opened his arms without hesitation, always ready to embrace you
- "Its okay baby, its okay"- he whispered into your hair once you were in wrapped in his arms.  As the rain sprinkled down on you, he put an effort to cover your hair with his hand as he caresses your head simultaneously
- "its okay"- he repeated gently and kisses you softly on your head where he whispers you words of comfort
- You two stood there for a while as you sobbed into his chest, but once wooyoung noticed your subtle shivers, he decided it would be best to take you inside the car

~ ~ . ~ ~

- Inside, his hair was wet and he gazed at you through the wet spikes of his hair. You felt guilty for getting him wet, and even worse, when your eyes glazed down to his white tee you noticed it was smeared with your makeup.
- Wooyoung's eyes traced your gaze and realized the situation.
- Without a word of complaint he proceeded to remove his shirt swiftly by forming an x with his arms and throwing it to the backseat.
- Your face goes red at the sight of his bronzed chest, but he acts indifferent as he reaches back to grab an extra shirt from his stash of emergencies. 
- His scent didn't fail to waver to your senses this time- it was a musky wood scent with a hint of femininity. How come you didnt notice it before when you were obnoxiously sobbing into his shirt? 

~ ~ . ~ ~

- For the rest of the drive you remained deadly silent, balled up on the leather car seat with your chin propped up against your knees. 
- You didn't notice once the car parked in front of  Wooyoungs place until you felt a pair of well built arms wrap around your balled up figure.
You intended to move on your own but you found yourself lost in his arms because of the shocked state you were in.  So you let him carry you..

- He handled you, somehow still managing to carry you in your balled up position, and placed you in the center of his king sized bed against the carved wooden bed frame.
- It was a huge bed, you speculated. Even if you spread your full frame on the bed it wouldnt fill up even half of it
- As such meaningless thoughts filled your head, you noticed someone hand you a hoodie and a pair of sweats in the corner of your eyes. Blankly, you accepted the pair of new garments and started removing your shirt to replace it with the new one
- You hear a strangled gasp from your side. You look up to see wooyoung's eyes waver at your revealed abdomen- blushing ferociously you get up to go change in his bathroom
- What the f**k is wrong with me, im totally out of it- you scold yourself.


- After a brief shower he stepped out to see you were fast asleep. He couldnt help but smile at your small petite figure scrunched up on his king size bed. He shuts the lamp next to your bedside and proceeded to move to the next room
- "Where are you going?"- he hears y/n's panicked voice
- "Im going to...sleep?"- he says as he turns around to find you propped up on the bed, with no signs of sleepiness like he assumed
- "Where?"
- "On the couch?"
- "No, wait no, this is your house ill go sleep o-" y/n starts to get up from her spot but he stops her from her tracks
- "No what, how will that make me look as a man letting a girl sleep in the living room.."
- You dont reply and he assumes you understood and turns to stalk off into his living room
- He felt something grab at the hem of his shirt and he turns to find himself standing in between your legs as you held onto his shirt with your small hands, your head down
- You look up at him with pleading, unsure eyes
- "Sleep with me"
- Stunned, he tries to formulate a coherent response as your head falls back down
- "I dont want to be alone...just please tonight...ill be on the way corner...just dont leave me"
- Realization hits him in the gut and he curses himself for thinking any differently.  He nods and waits for you to let go of his shirt
- You look up at him, waiting, and realize with an "oh" and let go of his shirt
- He moves on to the other side of the bed and slides under the blankets. He watches you cuddle into a little ball on the far side as you proceed to turn off the lampshade

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