Part 7

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- Once y/n was out of sight, wooyoung stood there, watching San's shaking shoulders
- He finally bent down to put a hand on his shoulders, which San immediately shrugged off as if something revolting touched him
- "I f**ken hate you so much"- wooyoung finally said in a whisper
- Sans tears started to fall even harder and echo as they fell on the marble floor. Wooyoung grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him closer to him roughly, into a hug. San couldnt even protest because his grip was so tight and unforgiving
- "You f**ker what are you doing with your life"- wooyoung said. His words of affection were masked with crude words, the only way he and San could communicate since then..
- He then just held him without saying a word. Not even once did he loosen his grip- he held him so tight as if to piece back his broken pieces together. And he was willing to hold him the whole night till he did...

- You were sitting in the cafe's glossed wooden stools with San right next to you. You guys had ordered your favorite milkshakes and sat there in anticipated silence for so long, dust started to collect on your restless figures
- "I heard about everything"- you finally said, your words ripping through the silence
- "Yeah..."- San responded in an attempt to reply. He nervously stirred his melted milkshake without taking a sip
- "I did love you, you know."- you went on
- You felt Sans tense figure turn towards you, his eyes turning wide with panic
- "I dont regret it.  And I wont take it back. But you know what"- you said as you finally turned to face him squarely- "I loved you. I just felt that at that moment I related to you the most. Your pain was so beautiful to me because I thought I could be the one to help you. But little did I know anything about that pain...very little did i know"- you tried to smile at him, hesitantly.
- He smiled back, easing your built-up nervousness, and took a long sip from his shake.
- "I loved you too y/n"- he said
- You smiled.
- "I hope you give wooyoung what he deserves now"
- "Im not dating him"- you immediately clarified
- "But he loves you-"- San pressed, worried
- "I know. I just want to give him and myself some time. I dont want it to seem like i clapped back so fast and moved onto another guy and he was just my backup"- you explain
- "Backup or not he'll accept anything from you"
- "I want to give him what he deserves..."- you said, staring down at your melted milkshake stirring it in circles with your plastic blue straw

- Its been around a month now since the whole "break up".
- You were standing in front of the park benches, waiting for wooyoung...
- "Hey"- he says as he approaches you from behind
- "Hey"- you wave at him, holding yourself back from any physical contact, such as embracing him in a typical hug. He fitted himself in a white t-shirt- nothing oversized or too tight- and a pair of light blue ripped  jeans.
- He stood there balancing on the balls of his feet, swaying back and forth with his hands in his jean pockets. He gave you a crooked smile that pertained some sadness to it...which you knew exactly where it derived from...
- "Why did you want to meet up?"- he finally said, trying to ease up the awkwardness. The spring breeze ruffled through his wavy caramel hair brushing it against his soft gentle features
- "Mmm just felt like it"- you said in a perky nonchalant tone and turned on your heels, expecting him to follow
- "Hey, y/n"- wooyoung called out
- You turned back, to find him still standing in the same spot, his eyes never leaving yours, were hesitant yet filled with longing hope
- "Is it...time yet?"- he asked
- Unconsciously, a responsive smile spread on your face, highlighting your bliss
- You held your hand out for him to take
- "Yes"- you breathed.
The End
Thank you so much for reading this far and being patient with me. All the support I've received has been phenomenal and so touching~ This will be end of UNdeserving Part 1 for now, who knows I may bring this baby back up and turn it into a series~ Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this, its been a ride<3

Follow me on Instagram @ateezbts_imagines for more imagines~

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