Part 2

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- He wakes up to feel an arm lay heavily on his abdomen, and heavy breathing against his chest. He looks down to find y/n's face lay tightly against him with her mouth slightly open. He ever so slightly smiles recalling her promise.., " I'll sleep on the way corner of the bed..."
- As he starts to recollect his thoughts, his memories go back to where it all started. He felt himself heating up with abrupt anger
- I'm gonna find him- he pledged to himself

                                                                                                    ~ ~ . ~ ~

- Bang! Bang! Bang!
- "Who the f**k is it at this tim-"- San opens the door, shirtless, revealing another girl who lingered behind him.  The sight of the stupid girl fueled wooyoung's rage as he grabbed San by the throat, due to the absence of a shirt to grab, and slammed him against the kitchen wall
- "What the f**k did you do that to her for"
- "What the actual f**k for God! Get! Off! Of! Me!"- San hastily grabs the collar of Wooyoung's shirt, attempting to maintain a threatening posture
-  "You f**ker, explain yourself first. What. Did. You. Do. To her."- wooyoung enunciated each word to get his point through
- "Aaaa- Hah! Hahahaha!!!" - San starts  laughing viciously when he realized the situation
- "Let me guess, our baby boy groveled back to her didn't he?" - San mocks- "we all know what a f**ken sad a**  you were when I took her-"
- "If you're going to take her then take f**ken responsibility of her you son of a b*tch!"
- "She got boring"- San shrugs simply
- Wooyoung slams his head against the wall letting only a chuckle escape from San's mouth
- "You gotta chill sh*thead, this ain't gonna change anything"- he smirks. "She was cute the first couple of times I f**ked her bu-"
- Before San could finish his sentence wooyoung slashed out his fists to shut his filthy jaw
- But it didn't stop there. He kept at it, as if on a rage.  He heard sirens behind him- but no, it was just the girl's obnoxious screams...wait, they were sirens
- F**k
- He felt a pair of firm burly arms grab his shoulders, halting his lethal punches. He felt a cold metal clasp his wrists
- Shit, y/n is not going to like this.

~ ~ . ~ ~

- "Why did you do it?" - the cop asked for the third time. They were seated at the police station, with the stupid officer investigating.
- San snorted- "p*ssyface, go ahead and tell him why you did it"
- *GaSp*
- Wooyoung turns around to find y/n hands cover her mouth, her eyes bulging with terror.  He opens his mouth to pledge innocence but halts as soon as she rushes to
- San
- "San! What happened San! Oh my god, who did this to you!?"
- San shrugged her worried and frantic hands off him- "f**k y/n don't touch me there. Cant, you think rationally for once and see it hurts".  Y/n then had the audacity to apologize- for being concerned for him.
- "And this f**ker to your right did it" - San jerks his head towards Wooyoung
- Y/n slowly turns and her eyes widen with surprise as if she just noticed him there
- But all Wooyoung can think is
- ConcerN! After all THIS shes f**ken CONCERNED about him!?! Why!!
- His thoughts are interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps that march into the room. Without having to look up Wooyoung is well aware who it is once the reformed styled shoes come into view
- "Hello officer, I came on behalf of Wooyoung and San's guardians"- Hongjoong announces his presence
- "Ah yes, finally. Well he won't speak up about his motives so it'll take some time for this guy here...but he" -the officer motions to San- "can go, get a checkup or something, he's bleeding pretty heavily"
- San snarled under his breath at the officer
- Meanwhile, wooyoungs eyes were still blazing down at y/n, his nostrils flared with uncontrolled anger. He couldn't comprehend whether he was more furious at y/n or San at this point


- You took a seat down on the worn-out navy blue seats at the side, and observed how the boys conversed
- Hongjoong starts off his monologue, a typical behavior the boys saw coming, she noticed, as they didn't even try to hide their dramatic eye rolls
- "Look I don't know what the f**k is going on between you two but you guys got to shave off this grudge between you guys- its been years since that day and you guys are still at it like a pair of stubborn two years olds. I cant f**ken believe it, you guys were like soulmates once what the f**k i-"
- "Okay, okay we get it, can you just bail me out already"
- You felt bad that you disrupted a chance of them reconciling their rusted friendship...and the way wooyoung glared at you made you shiver to your bones- but you couldn't resist your instincts and approach San, he was bloody helpless...literally... or at least that was your excuse
- You watched eagerly as hongjoong bailed out wooyoung, and the two men got up, making their way towards the exit where you were waiting
- San was about to brush past you but then paused-
- "Look at you, wearing another man's hoodie. Got back up so quickly huh? And I'm the one to blame for being with another girl?" - he flicked your cheek mockingly. Flames seared your cheeks with humiliation and desperation.


- Wooyoung balled up his fists, barely resisting the urge to beat up whatever was left of San- which wasn't much- into a pulp. How dare he f**ken treat y/n like his pretty comfort doll.
- "I'll take San to the hospital to get him cleaned up...Wooyoung, you can take y/n home..."- hongjoong advised
- "I see"- wooyoung stated emotionlessly and walked off. Y/n scurried to follow his steps...

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