Chapter 15

307 8 3

July 22 1965

Steve's POV
I had the best night of my life, I've been with so many people, and the one person who completed heart is babygirl rose blue, and I kissed her last night. I kissed her.

I woke up with baby kissing my lips.
"Hello, lovely seeing you" I said with my morning voice.
"Good morning" she smiled and kissed me softly again
"What's with all the kisses" I smiled
"Well, I found the person that I love and that is well-uh-um it's you" she looked down. I could tell she was blushing.
I lifted her chin up and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and our kiss turned more into a make out session then a inocente kiss.
"Baby we have to get ready." I said breaking the kiss
"I have work today and I can't lose my job" I looked into her eyes, she looked down
"Oh, okay" she sounded really sad
"Baby wanna go look at the stars tonight" I said smiling, she immediately looked up.
"Yes" she smiled and hugged me
"What time is it?" She asked me
"10:30" I looked at my watch
"Oh my god! I'm going to be late!" She shot up and ran to her dresser.
"Why You in a rush?"I asked her
"Well that girl that I met yesterday" she said started taking off her shirt but stopped
"Turn around" i turned around facing the wall
"Well I want to get to know her and I want to be come friends with her, and at 11 we are meeting up at dingos" she ran to her bathroom
"Can I turn back around"
"Yeah" she giggled as she brushed her teeth.
I walked to the bathroom and I saw her teeth full of white tooth paste, I just laughed
"I like your teeth" I leaned in the door frame and chucked
"Haha" she finished up brushing her teeth and she started doing her make up
"How do you do that? It's literally art on your face." I am so confused on how girl do make up
"Well you are welcome to watch" she smiled


"And finished" she put her brush down and I looked at her beautiful face
"You look beautiful baby" i gave her a back hug
"Thank you my prince"
"No problem my princess" I smiled
"What time is it?" I looked at my watch once more
"Holy shit! Steve can you drive me to the dingo?" She asked me
"Well yeah but you have to pay me" I smirked
"With what?" She raised her eyebrows
"With a kiss"
"Deal" she smiled
"Okay I am going to be late and so are you so let's go" She pulled me out of her room, down the stairs and to my car.


"Bye Steve, love you" she kissed my lips
"I love you too babygirl" I smiled
She opened the car door and ran to into the dingos
I chucked and drove to the DX.

I parked my car in the back and I ran inside, I put on my DX shirt and went to the garage.
"Why are you so late?" Soda asked me looking up from reading a magazine
"Well I had to drop baby off at the dingos" I walked over to soda
"Oh yeah how was your date?" He wiggled his eyebrows
"The best date ever" I sat on the counter
"Yes, we went to the dingos and talked and she helped out this girl, and then we went to this abandoned park that you can see the sunset really well. So we watched the sunset and we kissed"
"You kissed" sodas eyes were wide
"How was it?" He smiled
"Where do I start, her lips are soft and oh my god they tasted like strawBerry's. We looked at the stars, we laughed at the weird names of the stars. We went back to her place and fell asleep" I smiled
"So you had the night of your life" soda smiled turned to a frown
"What's wrong Pepsi-cola?" He looked so sad
"It's sandy she won't talk to me no more, she said that I have to choose between the gang or her." He looked down
"What did you say?" I gave him a look
"Steve I'm sorry" his eyes turned glossy
"Sodapop we are best friends! We are literally brothers!" I yelled
"I know but I love sandy" tears started streaming down his face, does he not know what sandy does, she cheats on him, she has slept with everyone in town. She has tried sleeping with the whole gang but they all said no.
"I thought is bros before girls! Sodapop, What are you going to do?! Not talk to me anymore! We literally work at the same place! What about the gang what are you going to do when you get home?! Not talk with them! Just ditch us and go to sandy! What about babygirl?! You just going to push her away?! I don't know you anymore." I shook me head and headed to my bosses office
"Steve" soda grabbed my arm
"No!" I pushed him back and entered the office
"Hello Steve how may I help you?" He asked me
"Listen I don't think I can work her no more. But if I want to come back can I?" I asked him
"Of course you can, when's your last day?"
"Today" I sighed
"Okay, well it's been wonderful working with you mr.randle. You are welcome anytime." He gave me a friendly smile, I handed him my DX shirt and hat.
"Thank you" i grinned and i walked out the door
"Steve" soda looked at me with very sad eyes
"I thought we had something stronger then what you have with sandy. Goodbye." I walked out the DX with tears streaming down my cheek.
I went in my car and drove to bucks, to see if he'll give me a job.


"Hey buck" I said walking into the bar
"Hey Steve, What you want?" He asked me
"I need a job" I sat on a stool
"You're hired, we need more people working cause it's only me and Tom." He sighed
"When Can i start?" I asked him
"Right now." I walked behind the counter and started making drinks.

Babygirl's POV
Steve dropped me off at the dingos and I ran inside.
"You're late"Casey laughed
"What 1 minute late" I chucked
"No actually 2" she crossed her arms and smiled
"What ever I was with Steve" I giggled
"Who is Steve?" She wiggled her eyebrows
"Want to drink a milkshake and talk." I smiled
"Why not" she smiled back.
We walked to a booth and sat down
"Who is Steve?" She asked
"Well i went out with him yesterday, and he was my best friend. I fell for him. He fell for me, and I think that we are together now."
She nodded her head
"So tell me about you?" I asked her
"Well I moved here last week, I live in this small house in the east side, I'm 17 and well yeah." She shrugged
"Where'd you move from?"
"Well I moved from Missouri." She looked down
"What's wrong?" She looked really sad
"I ran away, my parents would hit me and I couldn't handle it no more, so I ran away. I made it here and I liked it a bit, I found this job and I bought a small house on the east side and I haven't really met anyone that is nice to me, everyone is So rude except of you of course." She grinned
"I'm sorry" I said
"What for?" She looked puzzled
"Well for your past."
"Oh well it's okay tell me about you." She smiled

I told her mostly everything and she was in shock. We went spent hours talking, laughing and having fun at the dingos.

"I have to get going Casey but tomorrow I want you to meet my gang/ friends" I smiled
"Hasta mañana" She hugged me, I hugged her back and waved good bye.

I walked to the DX to see Steve cause I miss him.


I walked in the DX and the door bell ringed and I smiled.
"Hey soda" I smiled
"Oh hi" he didn't seem like himself, he looked sad and sounded sad too.
"What's wrong and where's Steve?" I asked him sitting in the counter.
"He left, and talk to him, tell him I'm sorry, and I'm sorry babygirl" he said as his eyes got watery.
I ran out of the DX and ran to the Curtis house.
"Is Steve here!?" I yelled barging through the door.
Everyone shook there head. I ran to bucks.
"Hey buck is Steve here?" I asked buck
"Yeah behind the counter." He said cleaning the tables
"Thank you" I ran to the counter and saw Steve serving drinks
"Steve What happened?" I said sitting on a stool
"Hey Baby" he grinned
"Steve what's going on with soda and you?" I asked
"Sandy told soda to pick between the gang and her and he chose sandy, and I'm not aloud to talk to him or even be with him, he broke our friend ship. I thought it was worth more the a girl who fucks with every guy she sees." Steve rolled his eyes
"Why aren't you working at the DX?" I asked him
"I quit, I can't be with a person who would give up on our friendship. I work here now, and plus buck needs help." He looked down
I walked over to him and hugged him tightly
"I love you Steve" I kissed him gave him a sad smiled
"I love you too babygirl"
"It will be okay, you still have me and the gang" I smiled, I looked into his dark brown eyes, they were filled with sadness.
"Let's go look at the stars" I grabbed his hand.
"Bye buck see you tomorrow" Steve waved goodbye and we got in his car and we left to go watch the stars again.


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