Chapter 16

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July 23 1965

Babygirl's POV
I felt Steve's arms around me and I smiled, I opened my eyes and I noticed that we were still at the park, the sun was shining brightly and the summer breeze made the grass move underneath us.
"Good morning baby" Steve kissed my lips
"Good morning Stevie" I kissed him back
"Did we sleep here?" I sat down
"Yeah. We were looking at the stars and then you fell asleep, shortly I fell asleep" I nodded and got up
"How you feeling?" I asked him about soda. I hope he understands what I mean.
"Still mad at soda but other then that I'm good" he shrugged, I nodded
"We should be heading back. You have a job and I have to find a job." I dusted my pants
"Okay" he sighed and stood up
We got into his car and drove back
"Wait Steve are you still going to hang out with the gang?"I asked
"Yeah, just not going to be talking to Soda. What's on the radio today" he turned in the radio and The Beach Boys started singing.
"Good, good, good, good vibrations!" We both sang out, and laughed
"Baby if you had to choose between the Beatles and The Beach Boys, who would you choose?" He started tapping the wheel.
"Umm that is so hard, Steve they are the 2 of best bands in the world" I wined
"I know" he chucked
"The Beach Boys but I also like the Beatles." I said
"So Beach Boys?" He raised an eye brow
"Yes?" I said
"You seem unsure" he smiled
"They are both great bands but I listen to more Beach Boys"I laughed and looked out my window


"We are here" he said pulling up
I got out of the car and walked to the door
"Baby you got something, right-." He cut himself off and kissed me
"There" he smiled and I kissed him back.
"Gross!" I heard ponyboy yell as he opened the door
"Shut up" I giggled and walked in with Steve holding hands
"Finally together" Dallas took a long drag of his cigarette
"Yep" I kissed Steve softly
"Okay rules for both of you, no making out in front of us, do not be too lovey dovey. Don't have sex when we are in the same house or if we can here you from a room down. Understood" Dallas said pointing at both of us
I smirked and Steve smirked back. I think he knows what I'm thinking
Steve and I put our lips together and started making out.
"Oh my god. Stop! It's gross and we have kids here"Dallas separated us
"Stevie I miss you" I said putting my arms out like a baby
"I love you babygirl" he said back
"Okay, Okay we get your point, now stop." Dallas sat back down on the couch
"So how was the date?" Darry said sitting down on his chair
"Amazing" I smiled and flopped on the couch
"We looked at the sun set and the stars" I sighed and smiled
"You had the time of your life" Dallas looked at me and laughed
"What bout you Steve?"Darry said looking at Steve
"The best night of my life" Steve sat on the other couch in front of me.
"Hey Sodapop" Two waved and smiled, as soda walked into the living room. Steve stormed out
"Steve! I'm sorry!" Soda yelled
"You chose her over us! why did you think I quit! Now I have to leave, I'm going to be late for my new job" Steve bumped into soda on purpose
"Steve" soda looked really sad
"I thought I knew you. I guess I never did" Steve left the Curtis house and drove away.
"What does he mean?" Johnny whispered
"Yeah Sodapop What does Steve mean?" Pony repeated
"Sandy told him to choose between the gang or her. I think you guys know what he chose." I left the Curtis residence and walked to my house.

"You little bitch" Dallas clenched his fist
"You would rather be with a slut then your own family!" Ponyboy yelled
"But I love her and I can't lose her, I'm sorry guys" Sodas eyes started to water
"Let's go Soda your going to be late." Darry got up from his chair and started pushing soda out the door.
"Darry I didn't mean to do this, I just can't lose Sandy I love her way too much to let her go." Soda cried
"I know little buddy." Darry patted sodas back and they left for the DX.

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