Chapter 7

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Steve and soda pop^^^^

July 4 1965

Babygirl's POV
"STEVE!" I yelled as I woke up.
I was scared to open my eyes but I slowly did. I was in a hospital room, and it was my birthday.
I smiled to my self that I was out of that hell hole.
"Babygirl blue you are awake." The doctor said
"Mmm?" I squinted
"You have many visitors do you want me to bring them in?" He asked
"Steve! Bring Steve"i smiled widely

Steve's POV
We were here all night. It's baby's 17th birthday, I want her to be okay.
"Babygirl blue!" A doctor said loudly
"Here!" We all yelled
I ran over to the doctor
"Is everything okay with her?" Mr blue said
"Well she needs more food, no watching tv or running or doing sports. She is pretty well, she pulled through. She also can't get to stressed, or party or do anything that can make her too tired. She has some broken ribs but Other then that she is awake and told me to ask if Steve Can go see her in the room right now. Only Steve." The doctor told us
"What room is she in?" I asked
"She is in room 215" the doctor smiled
"Thank you" i zoomed to baby's room and knocked on the door
"COME IN!" I heard her beautiful voice say
I closed my eyes and entered the room.
"S-Steve?" She stuttered
I opened my eyes and smiled
"Babygirl!" I ran up to her and hugged her tightly
"I-I-i missed you." I kissed her head
"I missed you too Stevie"she said
"Happy 17th birthday baby" I sat on the bed with her and smiled I saw tears stream down her face
"Baby what's wrong?" I asked her
"H-He did terrible things to me Steve. He used me as a human punching bag, he raped me many times Steve" she cried
"Shhh babygirl, I'm here. Shhh" I hugged her as she cried on my shoulder
"I love you" I whispered in her ear
"I love you too Steve." She said back, I smiled.
"Don't cry babygirl, I'm here now. No
One will hurt you." I assured her
"You p-promise" she said
"I promise" I smiled and wiped away the tears that she had.
"Your parents are outside. They miss you so much and the gang is here too. We looked for you all week, then Darry made us stop or else soda, Darry, and I could have gotten fired from our job. Yesterday I couldn't handle you being gone so I went to your house, your parents we very very sad and depressed, well like the gang was the whole time too. I went to soc side and saw you collapse on the ground, I didn't recognize you until I held you in my arms." I explained to her.
"Steve did you cry?" She asked grinning
"N-no"'i lied
"Then why are your eyes puffy and you have some tear stains on your cheeks?" She smiled
"Okay you caught me. Yes I cried, I cried everyday until I couldn't handle it no more. I pushed Evie away most of the gang got closer when I cried. Dally stopped being so tuff, ponyboy is less of a bitch, Darry is more caring, two bit stopped making jokes when you were gone and he secretly cried, Johnny secretly cried, soda tried being happy, but failed sometimes." I gave her a smile
"Steve do I look bad? I haven't seen mySelf in weeks"
" you will always look beautiful to me." I kissed her forehead
"Steve, actually how do I look?" She have me her sad eyes
"You have a lot of stitches, blue and purple marks all over your body, you have some broken ribs, and a black eye. But you are so beautiful even with all those marks." I smiled
She looked down.
"What can I not do until I recover?"
She asked
"Well you can't do anything that will stress you out, like sports, no tv, no parties, no running, can't do anything that will make you really tired. Well that's it." I told her and sighed
"But your here and that is all that matters." I said holding her hand, she smiled.
"Do you want me to bring everyone?" I asked
She nodded
"I'll be back" I got up and walked out of the room.

I walked down the hall with a smile on my face.
I walked in the waiting room and everyone ran up to me.
"How is she?" Everyone asked
"She is okay, just a little shook'n up from what happened in the last few weeks, she said that you guys could go into her room."
I grinned.

We all walked to her room.
"What are you smiling about?" Soda said chucking lightly
"Nothing" I smiled
"Something happened in that room, and I know it, but don't know what happened."soda was so confused.
I just chucked and kept walking.

"I missed you guys so much!" She said loudly with her hands in the air, when opened the door.
We all smiled at her being happy.
"Te extrañé mucho baby, ¿por qué te fuiste? Te extrañé tanto, nunca vuelvas a hacer eso, estaba tan preocupada." Her mom said in Spanish, which I understood shit from, and hugged her.
"mamá, me tomó, me golpeó y me violó y todas estas cosas horribles" baby said back to her mom, again didn't understand shit. I looked at the gang, everyone was trying to figure out what they were saying. Darry was in shock
"Baby who did all that to you?" Darry said walking up to her, I still can't believe Darry can understand Spanish.
"Kyle Dickerson"she said, baby's eyes started watering
"Ahh, dick... er... son ahhhhahaha" two-bit was laughing so hard at the name, the gang just lightly chucked, even baby laughed a bit, same with her parents.
"Two bit I don't think it's time to joke around." Darry said raising an eyebrow
"Sorry dar, but I had too." Two started calming down
"And.." pony started he looked at the gang and they all said loudly
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABYGIRL ROSE BLUE!" Baby smiled so widely I think her cheeks were going to fall off.
She slowly and carefully got up and walked really slowly to them trying no to fall and hugged us all
"T-thank you guys, this is the best birthday gift I could ever receive." I knew she was really happy by the way she had the effort to get up and hug us.
"I love you guys so much." She hugged us tight.
"We love you too" we all said at the same time.
She slowly walked back and sat down on her bed
"So when can I get out do you guys know?" She asked
"Let me go check baby" mr blue left to find the doctor

We waited a good 10 minutes and mr. blue came back.
"Baby you can leave today actually." He smiled
"Really!"She squealed
"Yep really" her dad smiled
The nurse came in and said
"Here is your dress all cleaned up." The nurse gave us a friendly smile and left
Baby stared at the dress, a tear slipped out of her eye. She never wiped it way.
"Can I have a moment alone with baby?" I asked everyone.
They all nodded and left the room

More tears started to spill out her eyes.
"Baby here." I took of my DX shirt and gave it to her, it was pretty big and it will fit like a dress for her. I knew that the dress that she had on/the one that the nurse gave us, must of filled her head with everything that happened, when she was held hostage.
"Thank you Steve" she gave me a sad smile and her voice was shaky
"Anything for you princess." I said kissing her cheek. I grabbed her old dress, threw it in the trash, and left.
"Where's your DX shirt Steve?" Pony said raising his eyebrows
"Baby couldn't even look at her old dress cause all the bad memories so I gave her my DX shirt." I grinned and waited with everyone...

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