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Burack had made it back to his home, appearing from the portal he had conjured to his domain. He then looked up at an upper-story balcony, a dimly lit light emitting from the open doors and into the clear night sky.

He teleported again, this time to the room in question, which consisted of a large empty and dark space with only an alter to fill the nearly endless void of emptiness.

Key words "nearly endless"

A tall woman stood at the center of the altar, her long raven hair framing her slim face. Her attire consisted of a long flowing ombre dress which accentuated her figure.

She turned toward Burack, an indifferent expression on her face as her eyes bore into the shadow in front of her.

"So, have you finally broken this failing streak of yours, or are you still having trouble completing simple tasks?" She quipped. Obscura was well known for her sarcasm, and Burack knew it was for the best not to snap back, at least for now.

"Obscura, my dear, of course I would never fail you. However..."

Obscura raised an eyebrow. "However what?"

"Well...let's just say we have a little problem."

"Stop bullshitting Burack. What happened!?" Obscura demanded.

"...Well, to put things simply, I was able to decommission at least 6 of the saviors before a new one appeared..."

Obscura's eyes widened, now filled with intrigue. "A new one you say...? What's it's name?"

"They call this one 'Savior Luna' my dear."

"Savior Luna..." Obscura quietly repeated to herself. She chuckled a bit.

"Looks like you've got your work cut out for you, hun." Obscura teased with a thin smile and humorless laugh. "However, we must report this to the others. Our plans may be compromised if we do not account for this new 'Savior.'" She instructed.



Japan/U.S. Isle of Kogarashi

North Ridge High School



"Thank you for the help. Again I'm sorry for coming on such short notice." David apologized yet again.

After battling with Burack, David-along with his friends-had been hurt and needed medical treatment. Luckily the school nurse was still there when they had all arrived back to the school and had been nice enough to stay behind to treat their wounds.

"Oh, there's no need to apologize, I've been treating battle wounds for a few months now, so this is pretty routine for me at this point." The nurse said, smiling.

After treating everyone's injuries and assuring them everything was going to be OK, she left the room, leaving the council members to their business.

After the nurse had left the room, David took the opportunity to walk around the room, checking on everyone who had participated in the fight. When he came upon Dylan's bed, David felt a pang of guilt coursing through his veins.

Dylan's body had been littered with various bruises. Ranging in shades of purple, most of which leaned more towards a more dark violet hue. Cuts also littered his body, some leaking small amounts of blood. David let out a breath that he didn't even know he was holding before he tried talking to his friend.

"H-hey Dylan, how are you feeling?" David stuttered, feeling a bit bad for his friend. Dylan looked to David and smiled a bit, happy that he cared.

"I'm OK, really. These'll heals in no-time." Dylan quipped, trying to keep his aloof facade intact.

"Y-yeah, that's good..." David mumbled, obviously still timid.

Dylan stared at David for a moment, noticing his sudden shy nature. After concluding that David was acting absolutely adorable in his shy state, he grabbed his hand and cupped it in between his own.

Dylan looked up and David's now blushing face and chuckled a bit. "Y'know. You're always worrying about everyone but yourself..."

David's blush intensified, the now dark red hue on his cheeks near impossible to hide without the use of his hands to his face. Dylan's expression softened, his sky blue eyes staring straight through the boy in front of him.

Dylan then took things a step further, testing the waters. His left hand, which wasn't covered in as many bruises, moved to cup David's cheek and bring him in just a bit closer to himself.

If David hadn't known any better, he would have thought every last drop of blood in his body had pooled in the space from the base of his neck to the roots of his hair.

Why did this boy have to make him blush so much!?

David could only nod his head before quickly standing up, taking his leave before Dylan could see just how embarrassed he was.

As soon as David was gone, Sol popped up out of Dylan's watch, a shit-eating smirk on her face.

"Lun, come here!" Sol shouted happily toward the slightly cracked door.

Lun, who had hidden herself away in David's watch, popped her head out of said watch and went back to Dylan's bedside without David's knowledge as he was still too flustered to notice.

After speeding into the room at breakneck speeds, Lun greeted her equally small and joyful being and the two began chattering and playing. Dylan watched, smiling at the two as they flew around the room, laughing and giggling.


David stepped outside of the school grounds, still a bit flustered from being so close to Dylan. Many questions rang through his mind as he started the track back home.

'Was he gonna kiss me!?'

'Why is my heart beating so fast?'

'What is Dylan doing to me!!??'

More questions arose in his mind before he was able to shake off his previous embarrassment and check his watch.

The device read 4:00 PM, not too late in the evening.

David then started to walk home, eager to get into bed and sleep off the aching in his muscles.

Not too long later, he had finally made it back to his house and went to bed early, too exhausted from "previous events" to stay up any longer.

Once asleep, Lun snuck into the room, having finished playing with Sol. She secretly hopped back into David's watch, careful not to make too much noise as she knew that David was utterly exhausted from his first mission.

'Hopefully, he'll get used to this soon...' She thought as she disappeared into the device.

Happy Love Saviors: A New BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now