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David woke up the next morning earlier than usual since he decided he was gonna make breakfast and lunch. the house felt vacant which is how it always felt since his mother works in the international relations office both in japan and in america.

While his father was an archaeologist currently in europe trying to find evidence of an ancient civilization that once had long ago disappeared.

David finished eating breakfast and began to wrap his lunch in a nice purple handkerchief and since he had some leftover he had made a lunch for Dylan and wrapped it with a orange handkerchief he placed both lunches in his bag and began to make his way towards school.

Dylan had to stay the night at the school not that different from his normal nights although North ridge is considered as a private school its also known as a boarding school outside of the island it resides on, Dylan was sent here because his father had to go to japan for a job and his mother had to stay in San Francisco to attend her beauty salon.

They had sent Dylan here because the isle in between both the us and japan was a good halfway point so that way both parents could visit Dylan when they had a vacation but its been happening less and less due them being to busy with their jobs the main source of contacting them had become video group calls.

Dylan got up from the bed,feeling completely healed thanks to sol's full recovery perk since it was still dark out he assumed it was around four or five o'clock in the morning. He began walking out of the infirmary, as he was passing by his former teammates he began to get heated angry that he wasn't strong enough to protect them and their watch communes broken he knew how hard they had worked to make them, and now their broken.

Dylan walked out the infirmary and headed towards the student dormitories as he was walking he saw a shadow walking towards him

"Dylan Hayes" Said the shadowy figure stepping into the light coming from the window revealing a girl with scarlet hair tied up into a side ponytail about the size of Dylans lower bicep" You're up pretty early"

"The same could also be said for you, Rosa Simmons, Care to explain why your up so early." Dylan questioned Rosa as this was his first time seeing her up so early.

"Im headed to the locker area since I forgot a homework sheet, but its not like you would know mister I don't attend class but still get a's council member." she said with a teasing face. "What about you did you just finish some member duties"

"Oh yeah we just finished having a luxurious buffet for the new member David but were done so we went our separate ways" he said in such a sarcastic tone since it was only half true.

"All right, then have a good day" as she began to leave she whispered one more thing in His ear "Dont corrupt David 'kay" as she said this she vanished like a ghost

Dylan headed back to his room to wait for school to start as he got ready to take a shower.

David arrived at school and headed for the council room, he was hoping to see Dylan there. To his surprise it was empty he walked around the room knowing that yesterday his life had been turned around he set his bag down on the desk that he would start sharing with Dylan pretty soon. Since student council members don't really need to attend classes. He knew that no one would question as to why everyone wasn't here.

Lun had come out of the watch " Hey David you feeling ok?" lun had a very worried tone in its voice

"Yeah I'm feeling fine, it's just that before this I was your average student so it's still a little shocking that I managed to be apart of the student council when they drew my name from the valet however that seems less likely now that I'm a savior" David was deep in thought as Dylan walked through the door with Sol

"Morning David" Dylan said as he got closer to David and patted his head which caused a blush to lightly paint David's face "you ok you look like you were in deep thought" as he crouched so that their faces could be at the same level. Lun and Sol were circling around the room chasing each other.

"Yeah, It's nothing really" David said looking at Dylan

"Come on there's something definitely on your mind, I mean come one second you were a normal North Ridge Student and suddenly you were picked on a valet became a council member and then a savior there's got to be question on you're mind."

David Was astonished that Dylan hit the nail on the head "H-How did you know?"

"It was the same for me i'm still not used to it if only I was, I could've stopped Burack from destroying their artificial Savior communes." Dylan said frustrated looking away from David.

David bringing Dylan into a hug, his smaller and lean frame fitting into Dylan's tall and muscular body "You tried, i'm pretty sure they don't resent you for that." As he let go David cupped Dylan's face "Besides at least you're not alone, I'm here with you."

As the moment began to subside Dylan began to feel a presence behind the door as he crept towards it he took a hold of the doorknob turned it and opened the door but no one was there so he closed it

"What was it" David seemed a little cautious holding on to lun and sol

"nothing , I thought I heard something" Dylan shrugged

Rosa who had hidden behind a pillar by the door was fuming she had warned Dylan not to corrupt David because she knew how easily swooned David was. Now it was time for her to have a little chat with him.

Dylan had stepped outside into the garden to have some fresh air seeing as David was going to study for a bit he decided to let him be.

Rosa had decided to confront Dylan but she wasn't the only one

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