Two birds can eat the same worm

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Papers went flying as an unzipped book bag was speedily picked up from its spot and thrown over the shoulder of a young 15 year old high school student after being quickly zipped up and stuffed with any missing papers, its contents now very much unorganized.

The young student in question then raced down the stairs, grabbed a piece of leftover toast from the kitchen, and raced out of the back door at breakneck speed to make it to school on time because damn it he should have gotten up when the alarm clock went off at 6:30 instead of sleeping in until 7:45.

David (our very much about-to-be-late-to-school "young high-school student") had make the very common mistake of slamming the snooze button on his alarm clock and crawling back under the covers of his bed to sleep for "5 more minutes."

Yeah, who the hell actually goes back to bed for "5 more minutes"

Hell no

Unfortunately for David, this extra shut-eye had almost made him late to school on the first day, and now he was sprinting as fast as his legs could carry him to school before the late bell.

'Shit, shit shit!! I'm gonna be late!! Come on legs, run faster!!' David screamed in his mind, his legs slowing down to a jog. After a few more moments of running, David had officially run out of breath (and most of his energy) and stopped next to a streetlight to lean up against to catch his breath and gain some of his energy back.

As he caught his breath, David observed his surroundings for a moment, taking a little time to admire the quietness of his small town in the early hours of the morning. It really was nice; the cool breeze, the still slightly orange-red skyline, the really cute guy across the stree-

Wait a minute...

Cute guy...?


'Shit, is that Dylan!?'

Dylan was a fellow classmate of David's school. Although he hardly knew him because of the fact that he was absent most of the time for unknown reasons despite the fact that they were practically neighbors.

Dylan looked up and around after pressing the crosswalk button at the intersection he was about to cross when he saw David, his classmate, and walked over after checking for any passing cars.

David panicked a little on the inside, his nerves getting the best of him and his blush not helping his situation in the slightest. This was his crush after all, so he had to act as normal and casual as possible, otherwise things would be awkward, Dylan would never speak to him again, and he would never have a chance at becoming his boyfr-

"Hey, um, you're David right? We're in a few classes together...?"

David snapped out of his thoughts as the voice of his crush came through his ears. It took him a moment to process the question he had been asked before he answered, feeling a bit stupid (and awkward) for taking a bit too much time to come up with a response.

"O-oh! Sorry; Yeah, I-I'm David, you must be Dylan." David stuttered as he reached out to shake his crush's hand.

Dylan smiled and kindly accepted the handshake before looking at his watch, his face paling a bit as he realized how little time he had to get to class before the late bell.

"Damn, we've only got 5 minutes! Come on, we gotta run!" Dylan shouted before tightening his grip on David's hand and pulling him towards the school at a speed in which David did not have the energy to catch up too.

However, the feeling of exhaustion and slight panic were replaced by a feeling of a million butterflies in his stomach when he realized that Dylan, his crush, was holding his hand (more like had it in a death grip) and was running off with him to class.

As they reached the gates of the school, the boys noticed the bright vibrant flower patches lining the ground. The flowers (roses) that lined the courtyard with their various colors and scents were separated into different colors to represent each grade from freshman to senior.

But before David could finish looking around at the flower garden that he hadn't seen in a few months, Dylan abruptly stopped his mad dash to the school, causing David to nearly knock the other boy over by almost slamming into his back.

Dylan (who had not even stumbled from the impact) looked carefully at the rose patch that he and David had stopped in front of, slightly loosening his grip on David's hand as he seemed to relax.

As for David (who had just gotten his head out of his crushes shoulder blades) was about to apologize for slamming into him when he too noticed the roses.

They were deep red in color and seemed to fill the space they were planted in, the prickly flowers leaving no gaps for any grass or weed to claim the sunshine they so rightfully deserved.

It was then that David circled around Dylan, a confused look on his face as to why he had stopped in his tracks so suddenly. He was about to ask why when he noticed the rose clipped to Dylans uniform, still budded, but showing signs of being red in color.

'Wait...why is there a red rose on-'


' God'

Suddenly, everything made sense to David. Dylan's absences weren't the result of laziness or constantly oversleeping, it was because he was on the student council.

The student council was a very prestigious honor to have in this school, and often compared to getting into an ivy-league college because of the amount of skill and character it took to even apply to be on it.

But how Dylan was able to get onto the council was beyond David. Dylan himself was a freshman to the school, and rarely did freshman even get considered to be on the council for lack of a better word, experience.

As the slow realization of Dylan's circumstances came to mind, Dylan himself snapped out of his trance and looked to David, a serious look on his face.

"Come with me." were the only words that were uttered from the Freshman before he dragged David (a sophomore) to the Office of the Student Council.

Reaching the doors, Dylan quickly opened the door and dragged David inside, despite his protests that he should not even be near the office because he was certainly not a member.

An unspoken rule in this small-town school was that only members of the council were allowed inside and that all other students were absolutely forbidden from even peeking inside without serious penalties from the school. However, Dylan did not seem to care that much as he was finally able to pull David into the room and shut the door to keep the other boy from bolting out.

David, after not getting anywhere close to convincing Dylan to open the door, turned around and noticed that all along the long desk they were in front of, the council's leaders occupied the chairs, making the young sophomore very much uncomfortable.

"Hello David; how about you have a seat, we'd like to talk to you..."

David's face went pale. 


Authors Note:

         Hi Sergio here, I have one of my friends helping me edit this for it to be more understandable. Big Thanks to Crazy_Cartoonist For The editing And Yumi_Koi for the Amazing Support, As well as my insparators BLwriter And rotXinXpieces. Thanks To Everyone For Reading This Work In Progress

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