Is the fight truly over or has it just begun?
Things seem peaceful in the realms following the Realm War. At least that's what a majority of the Realm Heroes, now the Guardians of the Realms, think. Yet something lurks beneath the surface. Somethin...
(Close up of Lu'lura, hands drumming on a stack of books and Laval in the background.)
Lu'lura: What do you know of the realms? What do you know about them? About what happened during their early years?
(Cut to Laval examining a mysterious carving in a dusty passage)
Laval: I suppose enough to get by. Like in a basic history class. Why?
Lu'lura: Then you have much to learn and so little time.
(Cut to the Realm Heroes sharing concerned expressions)
(In the words of Cinemasins, 15 seconds of logos)
(Overhead shot of the Lion Temple)
Lu'lura: The descendants of the Realm Guardians are the most vulnerable, as they cannot control the powers inside them. Abraxosan seeks to destroy them.
(Cut to Laval controlling two purple waves and the Realm Heroes fighting Terrence, then to their frightened faces as they realize the situation)
Abraxosan: (voiceover multiple battles and determined faces) In time, you will know what it's like to be vulnerable. To lose. To be so close and yet so far.
(Cut to Penny as she steps forward with Bolt at her side).
Penny: Bolt, speak.
(Close up of a super-bark, then cut to Violet punching a Chronopolian, then to Laval leaping off Everflow Falls under blue blaster fire)
Cragger: We can't lose you!
(Bladvic charging with Icebite. Then the Disney heroes sucker punch Chronopolians.)
Laval: Don't worry. I won't let them hurt you. I promise.
(Cut to Lion Royals tightly hugging before cutting to a bloodstained battlefield)
Cole: Do you know how many people we could save with all that blood?
Lloyd: If we can't save the realms, then be sure we'll avenge them.
(The Realm army charges forward to face Abraxosan in slow motion)
Eris: Laval!
(Laval swings his Valious up to block a magenta energy strike)
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Jay: Is that all you got?
(The Realm Heroes see Abraxosan's army, three times their size)