Izuku Midoriya X Chubby reader

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(quirk is healing, but when you heal you inherit the persons injuries, but you heal at a quicker pace)

Your POV

I've never been the most confident person about my weight, I was used to wearing clothes that I could easily cover up with in public school, but when I started going to UA the inevitability of wearing those monstrously short skirts was an struggle everyday.

I knew people were always staring at me as my chubby thighs were exposed to the world. Thankfully the school allowed students to wear our sweaters, so at least I could cover up my stomach.

One particular day I was walking from my English class with Present Mic to the cafeteria. I never really sat with anyone, but I liked to 'people watch' which just consisted of me sitting relativity close to the window and watch the madness that was lunch unfold. Lunch is almost like a communion, it could either be pleasant or the opposite. I guess in a way food although brings people together can also show separations in out schools social construct.

One person that stuck out to me though was one Izuku Midoriya, he seemed to break any specification or profile I categorized him in. He seemed to belong anywhere, everyone seemed to like or tolerate him (with the exception of Katsuki Bakugou). He was perplexing, and he interested me.

He usually sat with two other students from class 1A, Their table was the one I kept an eye on the longest, everything about Izuku, everything that he has been though with the sports festival and his quirk having the bone breaking effect it dose ,he finds the drive to continue to move on and work through it as most people would quit. Then there's me, I hardly feel comfortable in my own skin, let alone around other people, my quirk is mediocre compared to majority of the students here. My healing is harder to use on injuries that a hero like Recovery girl could heal nearly instantly, Id be useless if I healed an injury  server in the field, Id be dead weight. I've lost the drive for a while, but watching Izuku prevail above the impossible gave me hope in a way.

I may have been staring for too long, the girl at his table seemed to notice me and slightly smiled and waved at me, which caused the other boy and Izuku to turn their attention to me, I waved back keeping the same expression on my face. I looked away and out the window. I was a little embarrassed but what am I going to do about it, I've been caught in the act there isn't a lot I can do now.

As I was in mid thought I heard people approach and sit close to me, this wasn't a new thing that happens, there is a bit of a drought of seating so some poor unfortunate people were stuck sitting with a dead weight like myself.

but I felt a tap on my shoulder this time. I kinda froze before slowly turning to see not only Izuku sitting across from me but Ochako sitting to my side and Tenya sitting across from her.

"Hey we noticed that your always sitting alone at lunch we thought that you might have wanted some company" Ochako said rubbing the back of her neck.

I shifted in my seat, clearly a bit overwhelmed by the new attention I was receiving.

"That's kind of you, but you guys didn't have to do that." I crossed my arms and rested them on the table looking down slightly, I could feel them looking at me with pity in there eyes, pity I wasn't worthy of receiving.

"I also noticed that you don't bring or buy lunch, you do realize that to be in the best physical health you should eat three meals a day!" Tenya said waving his hands in a very stiff motion.

I rubbed the back of my neck looking back down at the table, "I usually just eat when I get home, and Im not fond of the food the school provides." I semi lied, I decided to start water fasting to loose weight faster, although it seemed to have results it left me feeling tired and obviously hungry all the time.

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