Eijiro Kirishima X Reader

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(Your quirk is basically Present Mic's quirk (being loud AF), and your going to be related to him in this too. More specifically your his little sister. )

Your POV

Although my quirk is Voice, and despite my family members being particularly loud people, I'm quit the quiet person, mostly because I can't fully control my quirk. So most of what I would say when I spoke was extremely loud.

Many people are surprised when they witness me use my quirk, they don't really expect such a loud voice from a quiet gal like myself.

Most people think that my quirk is  annoying, which is mostly why I stay quiet all the time, I can't help but be loud.

I was walking to class 1-A on a hall pass, Mic wanted me to drop off a stack of papers to Mr. Aizawa. I was in my brother's English class, and unfortunately for Aizawa his printer stopped working, so Mic offered to print the papers and deliver them during lunch, but it took a bit longer than expected so instead of Mic delivering them he just made me go, which I didn't mind, I just had no clue where class 1A was.

I was walking through the school completely lost for a solid 5 minutes, I had never been on the other side of the campus before and I started to panic a bit.
I ended up rounding a corner a bit too fast in panic and collided into something quite hard, not only did I and this other person fall to the floor, but the papers slipped from my hands and went everywhere in a white blur, without even thinking I started talking.

A stiff hand went over my mouth, I looked up to the hands owner to see piercing red eyes and spiky red hair, and the cutest toothy grin I have ever seen, I could feel my face heat up instantly, as my ears lightly rang from my voice I listened to the boy.

"Your voice is super intense girl, I like that but I'm not totally sure the other classes would be too fond of it." He pulled his hand off my lips rubbing the back of his neck as he started picking up the papers off the floor, nodding in agreement I started to also pick up the pages.

Soon we both had a stack back together.
He spoke again,
"So you said you were lost, It wouldn't be manly of me to leave a cutie like you stranded in this hallway, where were you tryna' go, maybe I can help?"
I could feel myself blushing hard as he flirted with me, I've never had a guy that was this handsome, let alone any guy flirt with me. Many of them couldn't handle my quirk or were too intimidated by my brother.

I pulled out my hall pass showing him the destination, looking down in an attempt to hide my blushing face.

"Ha, that's where I'm headed now. I'll walk you over just follow me little lady" he said as he waved his bathroom pass in the direction he was walking in.

I followed at his side. "Your quiet all the sudden for someone that was so loud little lady, did my manliness intimidate you." he said looking over to me with that adorable toothy grin he has.

I pulled out a note pad which surprised him and I opened up to the first page, I get asked similar questions all the time so I walk about campus prepared.

'To whom it may concern,

I do not yet fully posses power over my quirk so for the sake of everyone's eardrums, I will be quiet until I can speak normally. '

His expression seemed to fall, almost as if he was upset.
"Sucks that such a cutie like yourself chooses not to talk even though your voice is so pretty, I'd let you scream my ear off anytime, what's you name, Im Eijiro Kirishima."

He watched me patiently as I fumbled with the pages of my notebook to get to the page with my name when I decided to try something I haven't done in a while.

In my quietest voice, which was hard to contain I spoke my name to the redhead.
"L/n F/n" it was obviously struggled out of my throat but overall clearly heard by him.

He blushed hard at my words, the look on his face made me realize that he knew that was hard for me, but he also noticed that I was willing to try for him.

"Look at you, you made a manly man like myself blush. Changing the subject ,here is class 1A please don't tell anyone ya' made me blush" He rubbed the back of his neck, I gave him a cheeky smile and a firm nod before he opened the door for me as he walked in behind me as I entered, I watched him walk to his seat devising a plan.

I walked up to Aizawa, placing the papers on his podium, he gave me a small nod as a thank you.
Then getting out my notebook I wrote my number down walked over to Kirishima's desk and placing it carefully in front of him before exiting, only to hear a bunch of 'ohhhs' from the students as I left.

From that day on me and Kirishima texted, called, Skyped, and slowly but surely talking to him helped me to control my quirk and I was able to talk normally which opened up a lot of social opportunities for me. 

Me and Kirishima were walking to school together since we lived close by each other.

"Thank you." I said unusually quiet.

"For what." he said with that toothy grin.

"For helping me with my voice when no one else did, you actually enjoy the quirk I consider a curse, and that's more than I could ask for from someone." I said getting slightly teary eyed.

Kirishima stopped walking and stepped in front of me, "Your quirk is amazing, and your voice is lovely no matter how loud you are, you shouldn't think of a quirk like yours in such a bad light, you can help a lot of people with the quirk you have you'll make a great hero F/n!" He then trapped me in a tight hug.

"I'm a man, and I think the manly thing to tell you is that I love you F/n, your a wonderful and caring person, and you being my girlfriend would make me the happiest guy in the world, so what do you say cutie, will you go out with me."
His eyes held what seemed to be a fear, fear of rejection, which he shouldn't fear what so ever, I have wanted to ask him out ever since we started talking, ever since he blushed at my voice.

"I would be honored to be your girlfriend Kiri" I hugged him back tighter, before he broke it to lift my chin and kiss me passionately on the lips, we seemed to mold together, and my face was very warm against his and he definitely noticed.

After that we continued our walk to school holding hands, me a blushing mess as he boasted about me in front of his guy group.

(word count 1206) short but sweet I love Kirishima so much, words can not describe how perfect that manly bean is.

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