All Might X Healer Reader

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(Your quirk is called 'Injury swap' basically you can switch injuries with either an enemy if you were hurt to give them your injury, or to inherit someones injury giving that person any scraps or injuries you had)

Your POV

Despite my quirk being more or less a support, I still tried my best to prove to the other Pros that I can be just as strong, which ultimately lead me to become a bit of a popular figure after a video got out of me switching a broken leg injury with a civilian, only to kick a villain in the face switching injury upon impact. Needless to say it was a pretty bad ass moment if I do say so myself.

Despite me being popular I wasn't payed that great, so I worked as an assistant nurse at UA.

Although I enjoyed working there, I loved the students that walked through my door, I guess in a way I felt lonely. I never had time for dating, and It's not like I can just open up my schedule to find love, I had students to heal, citizens to keep safe, and ultimately dating just never became a priority. Although I had wants of my own I couldn't help but think that It would be selfish of me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder to see a young boy with a broken finger standing there.

"Are you ok ma'ma, you were crying?" He seemed genuinely concerned.

I quickly whipped my eyes, "Oh, it must just be dusty don't mind me." I laughed it off, now standing up leading the boy over to the medical bed, which he sat on without hesitation, now that I think about it I see him in here often.

I grabbed my stool setting it in front of him gently before sitting down myself. I examined his finger the skin around it completely bruised, It looked very painful but this boy acted as If it was just a scratch.

I pulled out my clip board, asking general questions. Name, quirk, class.

"So Izuku, your quirk did this?" I asked splinting his finger, despite having a healing quirk Recovery Girl advised me not to use it all that often especially on injuries like these.

"Yeah. . . Recovery Girl refused to heal me because it happens so often, but I will get a hold of my quirk I just need to train more." The look in his eyes looked so determined, he reminded me of a younger version of myself, I smiled softly.

"You might want to hold back on training for the time being to let your finger heal." When I said this his expression dropped a bit which gave my heart a pang of hurt.

"Oh, I didn't think about that. . ." His eyes were still determined, probably thinking of ways to still train without hurting his finger.

I thought for a moment, then just decided to use my quirk on him. I motioned him to give me his hand, which pulled him out of his mumbling trance.

"Know that I don't do this often, and I don't plan to make this a reoccurring act. I believe in you, you have the drive and I can't wait to see what you'll be able to do as a pro." The look on his face was confused at first as he was about to saw something, I swapped injuries which was surprisingly more than I thought it was, not only was my finger broken but my mussels felt as though I went though a beef grinder, he must train often.

He looked very surprised and his expression held a very happy look.

"Oh my gosh thank you so much, your too kind you didn't have to. . . Wait. . .Are you (Hero name)?" he said having the look on his face as though he was a child in a candy store.

I laughed a bit as I started to wrap and splint my newly broken finger, "Yeah that's me, but outside of the hero uniform you can call me Y/N." I looked up and smiled at him, now that I think about it he reminded me of a third year I knew when I was a first year. . .But that was a long time ago he probably won't remember me.

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