Shota Aizawa X Teacher Reader

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(your quirk is Telekinesis, you can move large objects and yourself)

(get ready for a long chapter my dudes)

Your POV:

It was my first month working as a teacher at UA, I taught Criminal Psychology. 

Currently I was in the teacher's lounge printing out the class assignment I had made the night before, but unfortunately I couldn't get the printer to work.

I had loaded it with more paper, but nothing happened. I checked the ink cartridges, they were fine. I stood back placing my hands on my hips feeling defeated by this piece of technology. That's when I heard a voice behind me.

"The printer giving you problems?" The voice was monotone and gruff, I turned to see a man in a yellow sleeping bag on the teacher lounge couch, I was slightly concerned that I had not heard or seen him enter but I was thankful as he arose from his fluffy cocoon to assist me with the stubborn printer.  

"Yeah, I checked the ink and paper, everything seems fine it just won't print." I explained  stepping back as the man walked to the machine. I took this time to take in his features. Long dark locks cascaded over his head, dark eyes focused on the printer, dark semicircles under them making him look restless, light stubble complemented his chin and cheeks. Overall his body seemed lean but toned, the man in front of me was truly a sight to see.

"I don't think I've seen you around here, are you the new teacher ?" the man asked while looking at my computer file.

"Oh, yeah. I'm F/N L/N, what's your name?" I asked slightly blushing while rubbing the back of my neck."

"I'm Shota Aizawa" I instantly knew who he was.

"you're the 1A teacher right?" I asked with bright eyes, he seemed slightly confused looking back at me.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" He asked skeptically.

"I'm supposed to go to them my next class to give them a quick lecture, that's what the papers are for,"I said pointing over to the printer, he seemed to nod in remembrance. 

"so you're the criminal psychology teacher." He seemed to state, I simply nodded at him as he turned his attention back to my laptop.

I stepped a bit closer lightly hovering over him as he sat letting myself lean onto the table.

"The problem is you didn't have your document saved as a PDF, for some reason our printer won't print any document if it isn't a PDF." he got up from the computer his shoulder lightly grazing mine.

"It should print now." he then returned to the couch." I looked over to the printer as papers were now being printed.

"thank you so much, I'm not really good at this tech-savvy stuff." I smiled in his direction.

his face seemed to turn into a light pink for a brief second before returning back to its natural hue.

"It's no problem, I'll see you next period." He seemed to quickly grab his things and walk out in a slight panic. Did I say something wrong? 

Aizawa's POV

As I exited the teacher's lounge with my heart thumping in my chest, although I had only spoken with F/N for a few minutes she had such an effect on me that I couldn't explain. When she was hovering over me I could feel her warm breath near my shoulder the smell of her perfume was sweet like warm vanilla, her hand that rested on the table was so small compared to mine, everything about this women that I had just encountered was so alluring, I couldn't describe this attraction I had. I was utterly enchanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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