Shoto Todoroki X Depressed Reader

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(Your quirk in this is basically like being an earth bender, you can manipulate any matter whether it be the ground or buildings.)

Your POV

The day started pretty basic, I woke up went to the bathroom, got ready for school then left the house to go to school. It was like I was stuck in the same loop everyday, stuck in the same cycle of just existing. My parents were always busy on a count of them both being pro heroes which in turn left me alone most of the time. I hadn't made a lot of friends, mostly because the people that would act as my friends were just trying to get a good word in from my parents, so I did the only logical thing. I isolated myself.

School was a bit far from my house and I had to take the public bus to get there, not that I minded but I'd often run into other students from UA, they would try talking to me, but I'd just plug in my earphones and straight up ignore them. I never wanted to isolate myself, but I've only had relationships that were parasitic, they would feed off of my happiness, feed off my parent's fame, it left me feeling empty.

I was just a tool for them to rise above everyone. Upon getting off the bus I was pushed hard, falling to the ground scraping my knees, I let out a hiss in pain.

"Just because you have pro heroes as parents doesn't mean you're better than us." The taller bully said as the group of three guys surrounded me, a crowd was slowly forming.

My hands made fists as I stayed on the ground, "Is that what you think, You think that because I have pro parents I think I'm better than you?" I looked up at the bully's face glaring, the crowd got quiet.

"Yeah that's why you're such a stuck up bitch, you think you're superior!" another Bully chimed.

I slowly got up and nodded. "I didn't talk to you because I can tell that you're a bottom feeder, you would suck the life out of me to get to the fame of my parents and if you think I'm stupid enough to fall for your skims your dead wrong, I've let people like you trample my already frail self esteem, and today I'm going to put people like you in your place." I grounded my feet and looked up fully to the crowd, tears running like drain pipes from my eyes.

"THIS IS FOR ALL OF YOU, if you in anyway believe the shit, bullies like these guys, are spewing, know that I give up. I give up on trying to please all of you, I came here because I thought I would find people that had a drive and noble reason for being heroes, but so far all I have seen is people with selfish agendas for fame, power, and money. I came here to one day help this corrupt world, but now I'm thinking that heroes are part of the problem, Heroes are just as selfish as villains, they are just praised for what society deems at morally correct." I tensed my shoulders as I whipped my eyes looking down, grabbing my bag off the floor before looking back at the crowd, they all seemed to have a mixture of rage or pity in there face, but one stood out, a boy with red and white hair looked at me with a somewhat dull but admirable expression.

I looked briefly at the bullies then at the crowd, clutching my bag straps I made my way to the front door, the students forming a pathway for me as I walked. Their eye's targeted me like a buck during hunting season.

I then went straight to the bathroom locking the door behind me, I let out a sob in front of the mirror, this sob wrenched it's way out of the depths of my soul. All the pain from the loneliness and the public display I created seemed to hit me all at once. I fell to the floor hugging my bloody knees to my chest, I felt so hopeless. The bell rung and I remand in the bathroom, no longer crying as I had shed all the tears I could ,but hiccuping every so often, feeling once again empty.

There was a knock at the bathroom door, perhaps it was a teacher checking for students playing hookie. I cleaned myself up a bit before cracking the door to see the guy I saw in the crowd with red and white hair.His eyes seemed to soften when he saw my face. I looked up at him, as he looked down at me.

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