John 2

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I arrived at the kingdom first as my country is only next door. I was greeted at the doors and taken inside to meet with the current king. He has a wolf at his side that is grey with black fur on his head, tail and back. He surrounded me and kept smelling me. "Your majesty. A pleasure to meet you" I say bowing. "No need to bow John. I suspect you are coming to learn the conditions of marriage?" The king smiles. "With all due respect sir, I'm not here to marry your son just because that will make me royalty. I am here to marry someone who I will love unconditionally for the rest of my life" I smile back. " I knew I would like you as soon as I saw you come into my kingdom. Kova, you can stop now. I trust him" the king says and the wolf stops surrounding me and walks back to the king's side. The king pats me on the back. I look up and notice a boy with beautiful blonde hair. His deep blue eyes remind me of the ocean. I feel my face go slightly hot. We keep our eyes locked but I notice his crest on his pocket. He must be the prince! He is so beautiful..... but her wouldn't choose me. "John are you alright? You look a little pale" the king states and wakes me from my daydream. "I'm fine...just looking at the architecture" I say smoothly. I seem unphased on the outside but inside I'm panicking. I just saw the prince! He might be my prince.....

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