Arlo 5

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John runs his hands down my chest and places them on my hips. He bits my bottom lip, asking for entry which I gladly give him. He explores every part of my mouth before pulling away to breath. I wrap my arms around his neck and place my nose against his. "I'll need to go back inside soon, mum will be looking for me to give the scroll of invitation to my chosen suitor."
"Who you going to choose?" He asks, I almost laugh
"You just had your tongue half way down my throat I think you know who"
"I mean you never know" He laughs. "You're so pretty"
"Oh shut up" I say, grabbing his arm and swimming to the edge of the pool. I climb out and walk over to where all the towels are, grab two and hand one to John. We dry ourselves off and walk back into the hall.

My mother looks furious. "Where have you been Arlo Seymour James Smith?!" She yells as I walk into one of the little rooms that we were meant to meet in. I look over to my father for help but he shrugs. "I lost track of time, I was having a good time" I'm not technically lying.
"I can't believe you got Andrew banished!" She yells grabbing my jacket. My father almost screams. "You think it was his fault?! Arlo didn't do anything wrong you stupid woman! It was all Andrew!" He yells pushing my mother away from me. "Can I just give the thing out now?" I ask, I always hate it when mum and dad fight. Mum clicks her fingers and her maid comes in, a scroll on a small, velvet pillow in her hands. "Don't forget to take the gifts that they give you now into consideration" mum says and leads us back out to the top of the steps.

All of the lords are back where they started, under their kingdoms banner. They are to give me some gifts then I choose who I like the most. Who I choose gets to come back to the palace and live with me for a while and if I don't like them, then we have another ball. There are around 18 lords that I get gifts from. There would be one more but he was banished. I walk to the first lord, his name is Lord Kan the Respected. He's fairly good looking, blonde hair, fair skin and deep brown eyes the colour of chocolate. Mums maid stands next to me and smiles saying "please present your gift" he nods and takes out a small box,
"Lord Arlo this is from a rare gem only found in my country" he says as he opens the blue leather case, the ring inside is golden with what look like vines carved into it, the gem is a beautiful sea green. "This is amazing lord Kan" I say as slips the ring on to my middle finger. "I've had a great time with you Arlo but I do understand you probably don't want me, that's fine with me" He says, he lines into my ear "my heart is with someone else, one of the stable boys back home" I laugh "good luck with that and thank you for the ring it's amazing" I wink at him as I move on to the next lord.

All the lords seems the same. I was bored by the time I got to John. I'd collected an assortment of chocolates, food from other countries and Jewelry. If I was to choose Who I married only on these gifts I don't think I'd have much to choose from. When I got to John I wasn't expecting much, John's country is relatively poor but I would pick him anyway. He smiles at me as I stand in front of him and mums maid says the same thing she said with every lord if she says it again I think I'm gonna punch her. " I don't know what you'll think of this, but I wanted to bring you something that my country does best. My country" He says " has a lot of engineers, people who work with wood, painters and authors. We are very creative bunch I wanted to bring you something that brought out that creativeness" he pulls something out from his pocket. It seems to be a tiny wooden bird. It's painted to look like a blue budgie. It's absolutely beautiful I've always wanted a blue budgie, I asked my parents loads of times but they always told me that I can get a bigger bird if I wanted to, I didn't have to get something as simple as a budgie but I've always wanted it regardless. He sets the bird on the palm of his hand and Whistles. The blue budgie turns to look around at, John he makes a small circular movement with his finger and the bird lifts its wings begins to fly around my head. I laugh at this more thin whistles. The blue budgie move the tent to look around John he makes a small circular movement with his finger in the bird lives its wings and begins to fly around my head. I laugh at the small thing as it flutters around my mother's maid and my head. It lands back in John's palm and sits still once again. " that's amazing Lord John!" I exclaim I've never felt so excited by something so little in my life. He laughs "glad you like it"
"Thank you John" I say "see you later" I wink at him and give him a little wave as mums maid picks the bird up. She turns to me "we need to return to you parents, you need to discuss what you are going to do" she says as we walk back up the stairs"
"But I know what I'm going to do?" I say, almost in a question.
"Your mother told me to bring you to them after we got all the gifts, it doesn't matter what you want I must follow my orders"

Mum and dad wait for me at the stairs. "I know who I'm going to pick" I say and grab the scroll off the pillow. Mum goes to say something but dad stops her "good, go on, it's your big moment, we won't stop you." He says patting my back. I follow one of the maids to the top of the stairs. "Everyone Prince Arlo has made his choice, once the scroll has been given please exit to your respective rooms that you were given to stay the night. However if you receive the scroll the prince and you will go back to his room to better get to know each other" I walk down the stairs, straight to John. I don't know how I didn't see before but my personal maid, Blyke. I smile at him and he has a look of 'oh shoot I've been caught' in his eyes. I turn my attention back to John. "Hey John... I believe this belongs to you" I say and pass him the scroll.
"Lord John has been chosen!" Everyone claps as mums maid yells. John pulls me into his arms. "Come John..." I say grabbing his hand.

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