Chapter 2

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"Mr Solano is here." Cameron buzzes through.
"Send him in please and lock down." I reply. My door opens and I get up from my desk.
"Mr Solano! Nice to see you, take a seat." I motion towards the seat and he sits timidly. My office goes in to lock down and the windows close over and the sound proofing comes down. I place my leather, black gloves on and I sit on the edge of my desk.
"Do you know why you're here?" I ask with a smile.
"No," he quickly answers.
"Well, Mr Solano! You have been very unfaithful to my business," I walk closer to him and he looks down.
"Can you tell me why?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." He chokes up. I laugh and open my desk drawer, bringing out a knife.
"Now, you tell me what happened or I'll cut your fingers off one, by one." I keep a soft but intimidating tone.
"I...I didn't mean to alright? He just- he just asked me to do things I had to do them or he would of killed my daughter! I'm so so sorry," he pleads.
"What did Mr Holland ask you to do?" I ask, placing my hands on the arm rests of the chair, staring him in the eye.
"He asked me to take the drugs I deliver for you and bring them to him so he could deal them..." he cries.
"That son of a bitch." I mutter to myself.
"And he threatened to kill your daughter if you didn't do it?" I ask.
"Yes. When I refused to do it, he turned up at my house one night when I was sleeping. I heard Anna crying so I got up and went to her room and Tom was standing with Anna in his arms. He stared at her and said, "if you don't do the job I will take your daughter and murder her in front of you. Do you understand?" And I...I would do anything for her so, I agreed. But Miss Knight, I love working for you, I want to work for you I just got into a bad situation!" He pleads.
"I'm sorry Mr Solano, I'll have to let you go." I say.
"No! Miss! Please! I-I'll do anything!" He pleads.
I press the buzzer on my desk.
"Cameron can you release lock down and get me the retracting forms?"
"Yes miss."
"No! No you can't do this! I have a daughter!" He pleads. I take my gloves off.
"I'm sorry Mr Solano, rules are rules." I go behind my desk. He gets up from his seat and bangs on my desk.
"And what will he do?" I ask with a calm voice.
"He'll murder you! He'll tear you down!" He shouts, wide eyed.
"I highly doubt that." I smile.
"You're a fucking slut! You're such a bitch! You probably sucked 10 dicks to get this fucking job! You're shit at it! I hate you! I hate you so much you piece of slutty shit!-"
Mr Solano's eyes go to the back of his head and he falls to the ground. I look up from where he lies and Tom is standing with a gun up pointed his way.
"I don't want him either if he talks to you that way," he places the gun back into his pocket.
"Thanks," I smile. I buzz into Cameron.
"Send me security please,"
"Yes Miss." the security comes in and picks Mr Solano up and takes him away.
"You were just taking all those insults," Tom almost seems impressed.
"I've had worst Darling," I softly laugh.
"I can imagine," he smiles.
"Have a meeting with your father today?" He asks.
"How did you know that?"
"That's the dress you wear when you see him. I know that because it's a conservative dress," he smiles.
"Plus my father had a talk with me today too so..." he looks down.
"Yeah thank you so much for telling your father that we've had sex," I say sarcastically.
"It's the usual father son chat Violet," he rolls his eyes.
"My father was talking to me about it! I don't want my father knowing who I've had sex with!"
"Too late now darling," Tom lightly laughs.
"You're actually not being a complete and utter dick to me," I smile.
"Maybe that's because I just saved your ass," he smiles.
"You confuse me tom." I say.
"Why is that?"
"One minute we're fucking in your office, the next we're rivals, then we're partners. I don't know what goes on in your head," I laugh.
"We've done it more than once Violet!" He smirks.
"What do you want? Credit?" I smile.
"I counted," he mutters.
"You counted how many times we've had sex?" I laugh.
"How many?" I ask.
"7 times," he smirks.
"Not as bad as I thought," I laugh.
"I hate uneven numbers," Tom inches closer to wear I'm standing at my desk.
"Do you?" I smile.
"It makes me utterly sick," he smirks and bites his lip as he gets close to me.
"What a shame," I grin. He places his hand on my jaw and moves it so I face him.
"What do you want Mr Holland?" I ask, trying to keep it cool.
"I want you, right now," he stares at my red lips. He kisses me. He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up into my desk. I unbuckle his belt and unzip his trousers while he lifts up my dress.
Eighth times the charm...

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