Chapter 11

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I open my double doors to my house.
"Okay so I need to actually make dinner so you guys can go do something." I say, placing my bag down on my kitchen island and shoving my hair up in a bun.
"I'll set the table." Tom says, kissing me on the cheek and heading into my dining area.
"What 'you making?" Cam asks, sitting down on a barstool.
"A chicken Caesar salad and a cheesecake." I say, putting an apron on around my waist.
"Light dinner," she huffs.
"Well we're planning on murdering two men tonight so I don't think we'll be in the mood for a feast." I raise an eyebrow at her.
I prepare the salad and start on the cheesecake. After I finish the base I start with the cream cheese filling.
"Can I help?" Cam asks.
"Could you get the vanilla extract out and lemon juice?" I ask.
She places the ingredients next to me.
"Pour out the cream and whip it please," I smile. She starts pouring.
"You know, I've never had a good relationship with my mother. She was always drinking and doing drugs and obviously I had no father so I spent most of my life alone. Then I met you and no matter how much you shout at me you always look out for me." She smiles.
"You're only a few years older than me but you've kind of filled that hole in my life." She smiles to herself.
"Aw Cam," I bring her in for a hug.
"I do love you. You're like a little sister to me. But I'm still your boss so I might shout at you a few times," I laugh.
"I was wondering if we could have a chill night here for my birthday," she says.
"Can you're turning 20! Do you not wanna go out and party?" I ask.
"I don't have real friends. Plus I'd love to just eat pizza and cake and drink Prosecco and shitty wine while watching a classic but cringey rom-com." She lightly laughs.
"You sure?" I ask.
"It's all I want." She smiles widely at me.
"Sounds great," I smile.
"You girls okay?" Tom and Harrison ask.
"Yep, is the table set?"
"All done." He smiles.
"I just have to finish off the cheesecake then we can talk."
After putting the cheesecakes into the fridge I wash my hands and we all sit at my dining table and discuss what our plan is.
"So everyone's clear on what to do?" I ask. They all nod.
"Good. I'm going to change. If the door goes, Tom you answer." I run upstairs and grab my black dress and red heels. I take my wavy, dark hair out of the bun it was in and I brush it through. I take my gloves and the door goes. I hear faint chatting as I make my way downstairs.
"Hello father," I smile, getting to the last step.
"Hello darling how are you?" He brings me in for a hug.
"I'm grand. There's some whiskey in the dining area if you'd like to start." I smile. He nods and Harrison escorts him through.
"Fathers here." Tom gulps audibly.
"You're fine." I reassure him and he nods.
"Hello Mr Holland how are you?" I welcome him warmly with an embrace.
"I'm great Violet. Ah my son! How are
You?" He shakes Toms hand.
"Great, come on through." Tom pats his dad on the back as we start to walk through.
"Dom?" We turn around to see Nikki standing at the door.
"Darling what are you doing here?" Dom asks.
"I wanted to join! I heard the amazing news!" She lightly laughs. Me and Tom glance at each other wide eyed.
"Lovely to see you Mrs Holland," I embrace her.
"Please, Nikki," She smiles and holds my hand for a moment.
"Hello Thomas," she embraces Tom.
"Hello mother how are you?"
"I'm great,"
"Just follow Cameron," I smile. Me and Tom wait until they'd left.
"What the fuck are we going to do now? She wasn't supposed to be here!" I whisper shout.
"I don't know!" Tom runs his hand through his hair. We think for a bit.
"I'll get Cam to say that she feels sick and you can kindly ask your mum to check up on her. And when she's gone we the job." I whisper.
"Okay sounds good," we walk through and small talk for a bit.
"Okay dinner is ready! Can everyone sit up please?" I ask. Haz and Tom settle our parents down.
"So Cam you're good with the plan?" I ask as we pick up plates.
"Yep." We nod at each other and sit at the table.
"I'll make a toast," my father stands up.
I glance over at Tom.
"There are no words that can describe my daughter. No words but perfect. And now, she's found the perfect man. Someone who can provide for her and protect her. I'm so proud of you darling and I cannot wait for the wedding. To Tom and Violet!" My Dad raises his glass. We cheers and I almost feel emotional, like this is real.
After dinner we sit and chat and I wink at Cam, giving her the signal.
"I...I think I'm going to be sick," Cam covers her mouth and runs to the bathroom. Me, Tom and Haz act surprised.
"Mum would you check up on her?" Tom kindly asks.
"Of course darling," she gets up and heads to the bathroom. I slip my gloves on under the table. Tom closes the dining room door.

"Now. Let's get the party started." Tom shuts the door.
Me and Haz stand up immediately and point our guns at my father and Toms.
"What? What is this?" They say in unison.
"You have made our lives a misery. Forcing us to do things that we didn't want to do. Well now," I pull the revolver back, ready to shoot.
"It's payback time."
"You would never." My Father hisses.
I place the gun at his head.
"Watch me." I threaten. Pressing the gun into his head he grunts.
"And father, how dare you talk of me like how you do. Making me feel shit. I wish I Never joint this business but again," Tom pulls his revolver back.
"I wouldn't get to do this without you." He pushes the gun to Doms head. Harrison guards the door.
"You are an ungrateful little shit." Dom spits.
"Fuck you." Tom says through gritted teeth.
"So what now? You gonna shoot us? Kill your only family? I mean you have your brothers Tom but they're like preying, jealous hyenas waiting for you to go to shit which," my father laughs.
"You have already achieved." It's a staring match between my father and Tom.
"You were never good for my daughter just another one of her-"
I jump at the bang.
Tom shot my father.
"Sorry." Tom mouths. I nod but look down at my father. Limp and lifeless. I feel guilty but somehow satisfied.
"You know Violet. I'll carry on from what your father was saying. You were never good for my son. Just another one of his hookers! Which you are right? You're not a business woman. You're an attention seeking slut who just wants some money." Dom hisses at me. I go right up to his face.
"Prepare yourself Dom." I smile. He cocks his head a little. I stare at him in the eye but I shoot him right in the dick.
"Ah fuck!" Dom shouts and clutches his crotch.
"Fuck you." I shoot him again.
"Ah! What the fuck!" He starts to cry.
"Goodbye Mr Holland." I shoot him in the head.
Me and Tom just stay silent and stare at what we had just done.
"Oh!" A scream releases from Nikki's mouth as she barges into the room.
"What the hell Tom!" She stares at Dom.
"It's what had to happen." He says sympathetically.
"I know. It did." She doesn't stop staring.
"You're okay with this?" Tom asks, marching my tone.
"I loved your father but he was...dangerous." She nods.
"I'm so sorry Nikki." I smile.
"So you two aren't getting married?" She asks.
"Uh no." I smile.
"But?" She smirks.
"We'" Tom smiles.
"Tom. I'm not a dumb lady. You're not just dating." Nikki places her hands on her hips.
"Okay...we're in love. Nothing official though." He admits.
"Ahh. Young love. I miss it." She smiles.
"Men are on their way to clean it up. I just need to clean this table." I smile.
"So this was planned?" She asks, picking up glasses and cutlery
"Yeah." I smile briefly at her. She nods.

After cleaning up and the bodies are cleared, we all sit in my living area.
We all chat the night away with 4 bottles of wine gone, sitting around the fireplace. Nothing but chatting and eating and drinking.
"Well, I better be on my way." Nikki sighs.
"Nikki you're 100% welcome to stay here. I mean, it's been a lot to handle today." I say.
"You sure?" She asks.
"No problem. I'll show you to your bedroom if you like."
"Yes please." She smiles. We head upstairs and I show her to one of the guest rooms.
"Oh Violet this is wonderful,"
"There are towels in the cupboard and jammies in there too."
"Thank you," She embraces me.
"Sorry again for today."
"No I understand. Only you two could of done it. And trust me, it had to be done." She pats my back.
"Okay, goodnight." I smile.
"Night Violet." I leave the room.
"Violet is it okay if I stay?" Harrison asks.
"Yeah do you want me to sort a room or-"
"He can stay with me." Cam blurts. Me and Tom look at them suspiciously.
"Alright...I don't want any noises coming from the room though or I'm kicking you both out." I laugh.
"Shut up," Cam pushes me lightly.
"Night mate," haz and Tom hug.
"Tell me everything in the morning," I whisper in her ear.
"Will do. Night," they smile and head up. I inhale deeply and exhale.
"You wanna just stay down here?" Tom asks.
"Sounds good," I smile. I run up to my bedroom and bring down duvets and pillows.
I strip down to my bra and pants and Tom in his boxers.
Tom softly tickles my side and bum lightly and I massage his scalp.
"Sorry for your dad." Tom says.
"You too." I say.
"Wow how depressing are we," Tom laughs.
"Very," I giggle.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you more." He bites his lip.
We kiss for a minute or so then we fall asleep. Everything is perfect.
Or so we thought.

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