Chapter 2

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sometimes love can
     bring out
the worst in us

       we want the sunlight
  but it shows all the dust.

                                  - Luke Alexander



"Brother! Big brother where are you!?" shouted a small boy thumping his tiny cute fist against a humongous door.

"hush little gguk you know kin- your big brother is in an important meeting right now!" hushed out an elderly women alerted putting her wrinkled fingers on her lips and holding the tiny hands in her owns.

"b-but I mish h-himm" said the small boy hiccuping and rubbing his small fist against his red tear filled eyes in hopes to stop the tears from falling because big boy's don't cry!

Just then the humongous door opens and steps outside a tall, muscular man with raven hair and dark pitch-black eyes his presence demanding attention and his aura commanding.
his confused eyes flicker between the small boy crying and the panicking women his eyes turn dark and he speaks in a deep voice almost as if he's growling "What's happening here? Why is gguk crying?" said the man now directing his piercing gaze to the women.

"M-My sire little gguk wanted t-to--" the women was cut mid-sentence as the small boy leaped onto the man and hugged on to him for dear life.

"Big brother! I missed youu" shouted the small boy who was now picked up by the man his muscular arms wrapped around his tiny body with the boy snuggling in his chest rubbing his tears and snot on the fine clothing and breathing in the familiar scent.

"I missed you too, you little bunny" said the man bopping the boy's cute button nose. He then turned to the women "I'm sorry Nanny Lara I can predict what happened which lead him to cry" he said in a soft guilty voice, slightly smiling almost a completely different person from a few moments ago.

"oh no no you don't need to apologise your majesty misunderstanding's happen" said the old women frantically "please nanny Lara just call me Jungkook" he said smiling his famous bunny smile "as your wish Ma- Jungkook" said the women with a smile that reached her eyes feeling proud of the king of her country.


It was bedtime for little gguk now. Him and jungkook were laying on their king sized bed. With his tiny head nuzzling on jungkook's chest, his small limbs attached to his body hugging him tightly like a baby koala with jungkook running his slender fingers through his silky soft hair.

"big brother.." said gguk in a gloomy and low-spirited voice
"what is it gguk?" said jungkook worriedly noticing his tone of voice.
"do you love me?" said gguk slightly pouting.

To say jungkook was shocked was an understatement "of course I do lil bun what made you think I don't?" said jungkook beyond worried, now staring at his brothers eyes.

"......... Well you almost never spend time with me" said gguk full on pouting now making jungkook internally coo at his cuteness "ggukie big brother here has lots and lots of work to do, I try my best to make time for you" said jungkook in a soft and pleading voice he wasn't lying though being a king isn't easy, a king has to protect the kingdom from foreign invasion and pillaging raids, prevent wrongdoings,internal dissension,civil wars and uprisings, increase the wealth and trade of the kingdom, as well as to take care of the poor redistributing the tribute paid as necessary. Money was collected in many ways by the Kings. One way was to go to war and pillage other lands, Other ways included fees charged to their Lords and taxes levied on the people, jungkook had to make sure to not overtax the people or they would revolt against him. He also had to resolve disputes between noble men and and had to preside personally over major court cases because the nobles relied on him to resolve their disagreements, because he was the only person they could accept a judgement from without losing face.

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