Chapter 8

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I asked her
how she felt
words started
spilling from her eyes.
-The random stories

| Azkaban |

| The Park Manor |

Third person POV

Young Jisoo felt haunted by the realisation that her seemingly knight in shining armour was actually the dragon in her story. The realisation sent her consciousness into a spiral of regret and desperation to somehow get out of this situation. The poor girl felt so shock-stricken, she couldn't even find a single bright side in the darkness that had engulfed her and her dreams, all she felt was pity for herself.

Jimin hadn't blinked a single eyelash her way since the day of their marriage, only a wave of his hand had been granted to her direction, only to have her dragged away to a room, void of any escape or fresh air. Her throat was burning from the shouts of plea, the echo of her heart cracking was the only thing she could hear, her soft hands now felt calloused from the efforts of banging the only opening in the room, hoping for anyone at all to hear her pain and take pity.

The only faces she would see were of the lifeless maids entering her room to present her daily meals. The maids seemed to have been born deaf, blind and mute, never showing any response to her pleas or questions, never flicking their eyes towards her face. As if they've never felt anything, their faces would be blank. But they would flinch and cower when touched by her hands, almost as if burned.

Her mind hadn't granted an ounce of sleep to her soul or even her body. The sounds of her husbands grunts and the moans of a shameless women would sometimes lull her to a land of nightmares. She was wallowing, drowning in her own tears. As time flowed by, Her hand reaching out for help or for any sort of hope, slowly started to lower just like her spirits.

From the lack of love and the overflow of darkness, her once cherry lips, were now as dull and dry as can be. The endless tears produced from her eye, made it swell. It seemed as if the life in her had been drained, her full cheeks now narrow cheekbones. The dark circles had tainted and dug their place on to her skin, as if they belonged there. The bright sparkle of her eyes long gone in the depth of her agony.

The once lively princess, sprinkling happiness and kindness to everyone admist her was now caged in a tower surpressing all her freedom.


It was quite a fine pleasant morning, the flowers blooming, the birds chirping, the sun yet again rising from the darkness. It was a new day, a new start. But the same couldn't be said for Jisoo, the damsel in distress had lost sight of time in the dull, caged room deprived of any windows, the fire torches being the only source of light and some warmth.

Jisoo had herself wrapped up in several bundles of blankets, rolled up like a cocoon, when Jimin had first entered the room, like the cry of the dead, he was silent. He had yanked all of the blankets in one swift pull, resulting in Jisoo jolting awake from her grief. The tug so violent, it had scraped Jisoo's arm, subtle red rashes burning her.

Their eyes met for a split second, before Jisoo lowered her gaze as if those eyes would weaken her. Clutching the bedsheets in her hands, she tried hard to pretend, to ignore, the overwhelming presence. Subconsciously trying to cocoon herself again within her arms, as if protecting her broken pieces from being stolen.

No one said anything, even though much needed to be. Words stuck at the tip of her tongue, her teeth biting her now bloodening lips, as if threatening it to not open. Moments passed as finally the dark stare, the careless stance, the guiltless audacity to come face to face with her, after all he had hidden, thrown at her, raised the courage fueled with anger, the emotion overwhelming her entire being, with trembling body and shaking lips, her tongue let go, "Why.." the word, the suffocating word was out, the suffocating tears were out, her voice rugged and cracked.

Jimin raised an eyebrow to this, Jisoo raised her head and her voice as well, "WHY" her sobs were desperately being hold down by her, her chest heaving from the erratic intakes of oxygen. She locked her eyes with Jimin's, as if her eye spoke a language, she stared at him so intently as if her eyes could ask him all the questions racing in her mind. "Your wish is my command, My princess" smirked Jimin, his calloused hands at her cheeks, gently wiping the tears as if they were precious pearls.

For a moment all Jisoo could understand was confusion, as if grown illiterate, the words made no sense or mean to her. That is until the wheels and gears in her mind finally cooperated with each other, as they connected the dots one by one with his eyes radiating some kind of warmth. All she wanted was the truth, something filled with honesty, something so Nobel. But what she didn't realise that what she thought was warmth was mock all along, what she didn't realise was that the truth fucking hurts. So when all the signs directed to a single thought, a thought she couldn't believe with all her heart. Why couldn't she? It was the truth she wanted all these long, painful days.. So..why? Was it a lie?....but deep down she knew that nothing can be more honest than this truth, deep down she had to believe in the beauty and the undeniable foolishness of this truth, deep down she knew there was no escape from this truth when once realised.

The truth that she was the one who brought all this upon her, everyday she contributed in digging her own grave, thinking she was walking down the path to heaven. As realisation set in, the wails grew louder, and as if this much truth still wasn't enough, she realised that the hands on her cheek did not grow cold, they still felt warm to her, she still felt the need to lean in to the touch. She couldn't push those hands away. The realisation more terrifying than the previous one, the sobs could no longer be stopped, they raked and jolted her entire body, the broken pieces she was trying to protect, were all stolen, without her permission, she was robbed of all she believed.

With his hands pulling back at his sides, his eyes not showing an ounce of pity for the girl that held his hands not realising she would be pulled to the depths of darkness. He said with a deep voice, void of any emotion "Two days..In two days there is going to be a celebration at the main castle for my victory at dwan, I suggest you groom yourself up to the level of presentable at least. Ask whatever you require to your new personal maid, Rosé"

Right then walks in a woman in her early twenties, wearing the plain attire of a maid, with her silky blonde hair flowing at her elbows, once or twice tickling the skin. Her face, bloomed with a healthy pink was itched with sympathy and heavy concern. With Rosé's arrival was Jimin's departure, as he left as soon as Rosé walked her first step into the depressing room. Exiting the room in a swift manner, Jimin left Jisoo to her own fate.


Thank you so much for reading and I hope you liked the chapter (TヮT)
If you have any doubts at all please feel free to ask in the comments or if you notice any mistakes please inform me nd I'll fix them ♡....No hate please (╯︵╰)

How Rosé looks like:-

I rather enjoy poetry so I thought I'd add few words at the start of every chapter ❤ sorry for the short chapter >< I would've made it longer but since the entire chapter was spot lighting Jisoo

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I rather enjoy poetry so I thought I'd add few words at the start of every chapter ❤ sorry for the short chapter >< I would've made it longer but since the entire chapter was spot lighting Jisoo. Writing it any further, spot lighting someone other than Jisoo would've possibly made the chapter seem messy. Basically this chapter was dedicated to Jisoo's character and her point of view ❤❤

─=≡Σ((( つ><)つ bye bye

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