PewDiePie is UTTERLY confused

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The warm rays of morning sun shone through the window. PewDiePie yawned and sat up, checking the time. 10:00 AM.
"Morning Felix"
He jumped at the sudden sound. That voice.. It definitely wasn't T-Series..
"What..?" He mumbled, "Who..? Who said that? Who's there?"
A man stepped out from the corner holding a spatula in his hand. "Calm down bud, it's me"
PewDiePie squinted at the man. He seemed familiar.
"... Aren't you that guy Mr Beast is friends with?"
He nodded. "Yeah, the name's Chandler. Also, you might want to think about getting a new toilet"
PewDiePie shook his head. "Wait, didn't you go missing for like 5 months?"

"Yeah I did actually" Chandler mused, "I used to work as a school bathroom janitor. It sucked ass though, so I quit and then I became desperate for a job. Mr Beast had contact with Marzia, who was coincidentally looking for some people to employ, so he introduced me to her and she offered me a job to become a badass undercover assassin!"

He winked at him, making a cool ninja pose as he held his spatula like a sword.

PewDiePie blinked, absolutely stunned. "So... Whatever happened last night.. It wasn't actually a dream?"

The tall man shook his head, and the two went silent for a moment.

"Then... What the hell are you doing in my hotel room?!"

Chandler shrugged. "Pretty sweet room for a hotel. Man, you even have your own personal kitchen. Speaking of which, I made some food, so let's go have breakfast"

PewDiePie narrowed his eyes at Chandler for dodging the question so smoothly, and got up out of bed, following him to the small dining room. There on the table were two plates with eggs, bacon and toast. He had only just noticed that the air smelt of this delicious food. And he couldn't complain, because right now he was starving.

Taking a seat on the chair, he dug into his food, hungrily scoffing down his food.

"Bro, seriously," He said through mouthfuls of bacon, "why are you actually here? And don't just shrug again"

Chandler took a bite of his toast. "Me and Jack were ordered to send you back to your hotel room and talk to you about the news when you wake up. But Jack said something about this 'Mark' being here as well? I don't really know, that's just what I heard. So he insisted on going back to Marzia after we dropped you off here."

PewDiePie nodded, munching on his food. "What about T-Series? Did he go on his morning jog again?"

Chandler stopped eating. "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"
"Remember that we kidnapped him for you?"

"WHAT!" He stood up from his seat, furious, "you did WHAT!?"

"Wait wait, I thought you agreed to this!"

"Why would I agree to you kidnapping my boyfriend?!"

"Wait wait wait" Chandler stood up too, "I thought the whole point of you coming to Sweden was to turn T-Series in! Isn't that why Marzia planned all this out? It was at your request, right? Didn't you ask her to-"

"No! I didn't ask her anything! I don't even know what the actual fuck you are talking about! What did you guys do to T-Series!?"

Chandler fell silent and sat back in his chair, utterly shocked. He lowered his voice and took a deep breath.

"You're not gonna like this, Felix. You're not gonna like this one bit."

PewDiePie's a hoe // PewDiePie x T Series x Mr BeastWhere stories live. Discover now