North KoreaxAmerica-forced

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⚠️Warning ⚠️
Rape and cursing (I guess) I'd tried its my first time doing this I feel like I betrayed God o and yes I spelled some words wrong on purpose———————————————

America was watching the clock the meeting was nearly done just a few more minutes it was a world meeting every country was here Europe in a group with Britain ( your still here ) Asian group near them one country was eyeing America body  like a hawk with a stupid a big smirk on his face. America just rolled his eyes at him. America knew far to well country's like him but North Korea he's one hundred percent sure he just wants his body. The UN stood up.

"Well that's all anyone have anything else to say before we're dismissed?

No raised there hand then all want to leave.

"Well then you're all dismissed.

Some ran out others walked America was healed back because of Mexico asking all about the wall. America was one of the few countries left most where just talking to each other he walk out the doors walk trough the empty halls or he thought.

A cold hand covered Americas's mouth another grabbed both of his wrists he was pulled in to a old abandoned closet boxes were there full of stuff for years ago.

The hand over America's mouth grabbed a rope and tied his wrists together before he could say anything.

He was face first pushed up against the wall. He heard a voice a voice he know far to well.

"Well look what we have here the superpower of the world all tied up but I won't complain I got a nice view for here".


"Shush you can scream my name later~


America was cut of by North Korea bit into his neck.

America scream in pain.Blood was dripping for his neck for how hard the North Korean had bit into his neck.
He start licking it make the poor American hiss.

North Korea went at the the ripper of his hoodie pulled it down and let it fall of it would been off if it wasn't for his wrist being tied together.

America was grabbed by his shoulder and pushed down to the ground and forcefully turned around. He was now sorta facing the Korean on his knees.

North Korea pulled down the zipper off his pants pulling them down with his underwear.

"Suck smut". North Korea said in teasing voice point at his manhood.

America was trying to get his face as far away for him.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you!

"Hey I do as I'd told if I were you I have weapons you know"

America just started at it in disgust.

North Korea being the inpatient bitch ( I had to) he is  forcefully grabbed America neck pushing him on it chocking him. Slapped his but and yelled.


America started suck he hated and the another loved it.

North Korea started groaning in pleasure.

But for America he want to cry.

North Korea cum was in America mouth. He was about to spit it out.

"Swallow it if you know what's best". North Korea said in a treating voice that could even make Russia back up.

America tried to swallow as much as he could it was just disgusted for him tho.

North Korea grabbed he by the waist making America squeal and started struggling.

North Korea put him on his back unzipped his pants and underwear took them off.

America was red and realized what's going on.

"Wait no pl-

We was cut of by had duck inside him. America screamed in pain he gave him no time to adjust.

North Korea started trusting into him.

Tears where falling like water falls for America.

It when like this for awhile.

North Korea wasn't going to stop until he heard a moan come for America.

'Aaa~ Noth Kore s~top plase.

Bingo. The was all. North Korea could think he had found the American sweet spot.

He stared abusing the spot.

Moans of pain came for America.

Just make it stop make it stop please. America thought

North Korea had one more reales and stoped. He let America fall to the ground.

"See slut was that so hard hah I had a lot of fun maybe I'll get China to join next time you'll like that won't you?

North Korea let the building no was here.

America just curled into a ball he lost his virgin to him.

And I hate myself more know well hope you enjoy I am cringing so much know I can't believe I wrote smut and rape
God I am so so sorry

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