JapanxAmerica-rightfully her 2

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Abuse   smut (sorta) and of course girlxgirl and I have no clue how to feel about this one

America groan her head was still a bit dizzy she couldn't remember what happened she opened her eyes to see a dark room she couldn't move she was tied up to a chair by her wrists and ankles.

The door cracked open make terrifying noise.

The lights flickered on America had to close her eyes cause of the brightest due to the her been knock out. She open her eyes to have her 'best friend' Japan in walking towards her. She tried to yell out to her but  there was gag in her mouth making every word a muffle. "Hello~ there Amy". Japan said every word creepy and started walking towards her she was in front of her. She grabbed her by her chin make look look her in the eyes. One filled with pleasure with a smirk other filled with fear. Japes put something on her neck it was like a dog or cat collar.
"Its so you can't get out if you go 5 feet in front of a door that lends outside it will shock you and it also takes some of you're energy so you can't fight back.Japan still had that stupid smirk on her face. The cooler was a carmine red collar with a little bell. That bell would drive America insane.

Japan took out a knife make America face whited more than it all ready was. Japan cut the rope on the left wrist. When the rope was cut she stabbed the knife into her wrists. America screams in pain but of course was muffled. "Let's say thats punishment for dating someone else but there would have been much more but I think a broken heart is enough for now and well you're wrist". Japan started laughing like a maniac. America had tears coming down her cheek in pain and for Philippines she had forgot about his death with being kidnaped.

"O love~don't cry it makes you feel better he didn't commit suicide".

America looked at her tears still coming it was as if she was asking what.

"Well you see yesterday yeah its Saturday I saw you guys kissing at school it broken my heart so after school I told him I want to show him something and well not to add details I killed him took his phone and text that message to everyone in his contacts yeah the phone broke now~".

America eyes went wide not only was Japan a kidnaper she was a murder and it was America fault someone she loved was gone.

Japan took of her gag out and put her hand over America mouth with the hand holding the knife under her chin to her neck.

"Sooo how long where you two a thing for?"

She took her hand away for America mouth but kept the knife under her chin.

"F-four mouths. America was scared it made sense why she stuttered.


America close her eyes she was now terrified what happened to the Japan she know and loved?

Japan untied all the ropes grabbing America by her NATO top( she just wearing that and s pair of jeans)

Roughly but carefully clean up her wrist. She may be angry but she didn't need America to get a infection. Walk out of her bathroom with America.

She threw her at the bed.

Japan put the gag over America mouth again.
And started attacking her neck. America hissed groaned had no pleasures at all but realized she was stuck with her she was going to have to live like this no friends no parents no brothers no Philippines just Japan and not the Japan she loves as a friend or sister. She belongs to Japan now her independent was nothing now she work so hard for that and now it means nothing.

Would Britain even care that she gone probably not I mean it's him he hates her.

France yeah she would probably she miss her the most to be honest.

Canada no he hated her two him and Britain hurt her do much then have a party that's she gone.(sorry)

Australia he wound probably be upset but move on she not really something to miss.

Thoughts about her Mother and younger brother was all she could think off Japan just claimed her didn't do anything else.
Hey it's me I been think about doing China x America netted but I feel like I should do something with his family.

Thanks for 100 and over reads 😊

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