Chapter 9

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Hana's POV

"Yah.. Dont be such a child----


I froze.

I dont know what to do.

How could he?

I can't move.

What should I do?

Stay here and kiss him back?

Push him and run away?

This is my first kiss. And that hit me hard. I pushed him and ran. Yes. I made the right move. How can that jerk kiss someone he doesn't love. I was fucking saving this kiss for the one who I love, and in one blink,


I really hate Taehyung to the moon, sun and exo planet.( XD ). Okay I'm kidding, but really "I hate him so much".

Suddenly someone dragged me to somewhere-- a store i think. He pinned me at the wall. Then I realized that it was,


"Who's him?"


"Yes, the one you hate."

"You heard me?"

"No, i don't" he said sarcastically.

"Yah! You followed me? Seriously are you a stalker?"

"Whatever -_-. So who are you hate so much?"

"You want to know?" I asked smirking.

"Of course, duh"

"Well, it's you. Hahahaha"

"Oh really?". Suddenly he leans closer and closer until our faces was just an inch away from each other. I can feel his breath on my face. "Wh..What ar..are you do..doing?" oh my why am I stuttering? "I hate you too" he whispers and left. I sighed in relief.

Good I hate him. He hates me.


Nobody's POV

"I want to eat. Im hungry." Hana said and made her way to the cafeteria. Before she reached the cafeteria she saw Taehyung and the boys. She quickly turns around trying to avoid the boys, especially Taehyung.

"Hana, where are you going? Join us." Jimin said. 'Crap. What should i do' Hana thought. "Oh, hi guys. I need to use the ladies room. See you later." Hana said and ran away.

Hana's POV

I ran to the rooftop and sar on the ground. "I like to being here." She said enjoying the view. "I thought you wanted to go to the ladies room. Are you avoiding us?" I jumped a bit after hearing the voice. "Wh..what are you doing here?"

"Well, im following you." the voice said.



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