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Once upon a time there was a little kindergarten girl, with funny yellow glasses, standing in the playground, on her first day of school. No this isn’t about some beautiful princess who must be saved by a handsome buff prince; it’s a different kind of love story, one that actually shows emotion instead of just beauty and lust.

This girl stood on the warm playground sand and looked at all the children around her. She had been an only child growing up and was always sent to a babysitter. Her five year old mind didn’t know what to think of all these potential friends and how to interact with them.

Even at a kindergarten age there were cliques, certain kids hang out with other certain kids and ignore others. But one girl decided to go against the rules and go instead with fate. On that first day of school, the girl in the higher class walked up to the awkward girl with the funny yellow glasses and said simply, “I like your glasses.” ever since the girls were best friends. Let’s call the one girl Michelle, and the awkward one me.

People always say that you can have love at first sight. Others say it’s completely nonsense. Who knows what the real answer is but all I can say is that there was a deeper connection than just friendship. Kindergarten is a time for kids to be kids but in a school environment. When you mention your first little kiss on the monkey bars, people always laugh and say, “You were a silly little kid, it doesn’t mean anything.” But I argue and say, it means everything in the world. Your first kiss? Even though it’s something so harmless and gentle it stays in your mind forever.

Remembering my first kiss is more difficult though. It’s been pounded out of my memory many times, although my parents over and over gave me a reason I never really understood. I mean love is love right? Even if we were only five years old.

Going back to my school life, Michelle and I were best friends. We were light blondes, fair skinned, and very similar looking, I was a few inches taller and she was a little bit skinner. Other than that we were like twins. Back then kindergarten was separated by morning and afternoon, do to my not-wanting-to get-up-before-9AM I was specially placed in the afternoon class, Michelle had the same excuse.

We’d always get to class 15 minutes before and just wait in the shade and talk, about our silly little lives. Little did I know I was getting more attached to her than I really realized.

Maybe I was dumb and not paying attention but I really didn’t think of anything when she began holding my hand. Going to music class and PE, or simply walking outside she hold slip her warm soft hand and intertwine her fingers with mine. I admit feeling secure about this, warm feeling building up in my chest, but I was five and blind to love, if that’s what it was. I ignored it as friendship

Once I went to the store and saw these really cool yellow glasses, only problem was they had the stupid sunglasses flaps screwed on the side so you could flip them down or lift them up, but they looked ridiculous when you lifted them up. I had always wanted glasses though, being cursed with 20/20 vision, so I went along with the ridiculous glasses. Remember? The funny yellow glasses that got Michelle to notice me? Well I got noticed by another young individual in my class, let’s call him Stevie.

I admit, years later I have no idea on how such a diverse group got together and became best friends, but when I think harder we weren’t best friends, it was more complicated than that. Michelle and I were best friends and this Stevie character tagged along. He was, by definition, a total nerd. Glasses, wild brown hair, the whole thing, and it was kind of cute but here’s a secret… boys have cooties.

Slowly but surely the fall season passed and winter came along, Michelle and I got closer and closer in our friendship, though it’s hard to see how we could even get closer. But there is this one winter day that I will never forget. Walking to music class, Michelle was sick that day, Stevie walked next to me but quickly stopped our passing student teacher. He yanked on her shirt a bit to get her attention and she leaned down to hear his question.

“Can Alyson be my girlfriend?” Stevie asked, in his squeaky, shy, little voice.

The student teacher hid her giggle, looked Stevie in the eye, and say firmly, “No”

I was shocked, not only that he asked the teacher and not me, but that he would think of such a question. I pondered the thought during music class that day, not being able to focus on the Mousey Mousey game. Because when Stevie asked that question, I thought could I really be in love?

The next day was a cold snowy day. Most of the kids stayed in the classroom as they waited for our teacher to get ready, but not me like every day before, I waited 15 minutes before school started in the shade outside. Sure enough Michelle was there.

No longer sick she came up and hugged me, hugging her back I took a deep breath of her warm cookie smell. Looking at me she smiled but frowned when she saw the stern look on my face.

“What is it Aly?” she asked concerned.

Looking away I sighed, “I think I’m in love…”

There was a small silence until Michelle sucked in a breath and said shortly, “With who?”

Turning back I stared at her delicate features, her soft pink lips, light forest green eyes.

“With you.”

At first she seemed shocked, genuinely shocked. But as her face transformed I saw a different look on her face than what I had expected. My five year old imagination only thought that the idea of a girl loving another girl was disgusting. But as I looked into Michelle’s eyes I only saw joy.

So in our little corner of the building in the shade on a cold December noon, Michelle and I shared something huge, our first kiss. I observed her warm lips on mine for the mere seconds they were there. The fireworks exploded as I had always dreamed. When we broke she pulled me into a hug and said.

“I love you too.”

So yes this is the story of my bumpy road of figuring out what is right.


Please Please Please tell me if its a good idea? I'm publishing the 1st chapter next so check it out too. Thanks a bunches!

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