Chapter One

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“Sweetie… it’s time to get up!” I hear a voice in my muggy subconscious.

Rolling over I think to myself how badly I wanted to stay in bed and sleep for just another hour or so. I glance up to look at the clock, 10:30. I jump out of my blankets and run to the shower. I usually naturally woke up around nine but I stayed up too late thinking about Michelle.

Obviously I had never kissed anyone before yesterday so I kept thinking about her as I got ready. Grabbing my backpack I run to the door and climb in my car seat, hoping to make some sort of signal for mom and dad to hurry up.

As they walked to the car I saw their faces, arguing. I hated it when they did, it always made things unpleasant. However I simply ignored it as they climbed in and started the car. As we backed up in the driveway and slowly started on the road I considered on how I might bring up the subject of Michelle.

My father is a big man, almost seven foot tall and well over 300 pounds. His face is molded in not the prettiest fashion but you can see the joy in his lips and cheeks when I run up to hug him. His eyes are like the bluest ocean that think is impossible because he’s never seen one. His ruffled brown hair curled at random points creating a forest on my father’s head and face.

Mother on the other hand was different. Although she was older, she kept a more professional look thus giving her a cleaner and more youthful appearance. She put blonde highlights in her light brown hair. She always said she was trying to make her hair like mine without bleaching it. Mom was on the chunky side but worked around her curves to define her place at her work setting. Her face held more wrinkles that had come with age, along with freckles from being in the sun too long. But my favorite part of my mom was her forest green eyes that you could just disappear in at a single glance.

Mother sat in the driver’s seat, as usual not wearing her seat belt. Dad simply looked out the window, being the quiet man he was. Mom asked me about how class was, I replied good, but she caught me off guard when she asked how Michelle was. I envisioned her face as Mom spoke her name.

“Um. She’s fine I guess.” I stuttered.

Mother just nodded and kept driving. She had no suspicion of my love life. Then again why would she? I was in kindergarten, and I was raised to love boys. Not girls. There wasn’t supposed to be any problems.

After I was dropped off at school I met up with Michelle and went on the swings. It was as if yesterday had changed everything. We kept talking like normal only this time I noticed her staring at me more. The days after this were amazing. Days turned into weeks which turned into months of our friendship and relationship becoming stronger than ever.

We soon graduated kindergarten and to our delight we had been placed in the same 1st grade class. Things were doing just fine until I went up to my mother one night.

“Mommy? Can I tell you something?” I asked.

Mother was watching some TV show, so she simply nodded as she continued watching it.

“I want to marry Michelle when I grow up.” I uttered quietly.

Immediately Mother turned to me, shocked, and told me to repeat myself. As I did I wondered what I did wrong. Mother looked very shocked indeed, her forehead was all bunched up and her eyes went huge. After a couple seconds of silence the look on Mother’s face melted away and she let out a laugh.

“Oh very funny sweetie, you should know that a girl can’t marry another girl. Plus it’s simply wrong. Just run along and play with your dolls.” She spoke with a hint of seriousness.

But I didn’t move. I didn’t want to play with my dolls I wanted Mother to explain to me why I couldn’t like girls. Even with me still standing there Mother went back to her show, completely ignoring me. After a couple minutes I sulked away, devastated.

When I went to school the next day, I told Michelle and she laughed and said, “Aly? Didn’t you know it’s not legal yet? Your mom just doesn’t want us to go to jail. But when we get older it will be, like when the black people got their rights.”

That made me feel so much better and she pulled me into a hug. Michelle was so warm and soft for being so small. I just felt so right with her; I never wanted any of it to change. Little did I do the next thing we did changed everything.

A kiss, something we had done for so long now. It was such a small kiss that I still can’t figure out what was so wrong about it. But as it happened I heard my name being screamed from a distance. As we broke apart I was grabbed by Mother.

“WHAT WERE YOU JUST DOING?” Mother screamed at me. I saw tears building up in Michelle’s eyes.

“Mom, please stop. Please stop.” I begged Mother, pulling on her sleeve. But Mother persisted. Michelle ended up running off to her parent’s car, who’s looks seemed extremely confused.

That night Mother paid a call to Michelle’s parents. I spent my time in my room alone and crying. Why was this happening? I was so confused. After Mother’s phone call ended she came into my room.

“Sweetie, what you did was very wrong. I need you to understand that. Being with another girl is sick and just horrible. I’m not going to tell your father, so clean yourself up and we will forget this ever happened ok?” Mother spoke softly, with a hand on my back.

I nodded, and Mother got up and walked away. But although I had nodded, I didn’t want to clean up. I wanted Father to see my pain, but then I realized if Mother freaked out this much I didn’t know what Father would do.

That night father came home like normal, asked me how my day was, I responded with fine. Nothing was different. Mother didn’t even mention Michelle, not once. I was supposed to just sit there and pretend like nothing had happened. I left dinner early, went upstairs, and wondered what was going to change now.

The next morning I rushed to get my things together and was anxious the whole way to school. Once I got there and Mother had driven away, I ran to Michelle who was swinging alone on the swings. When I got to her I realized that she was crying. I pulled her into my arms and asked her what was wrong.

“I’m moving.” She whispered.

My heart stopped, “Where?”


The world stopped spinning. My life was crashing to a complete stop. Why was this happening? Why me?

Why can’t I love?


Again what do you think? 

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