Dancing Away With My Heart

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Hot Dairy Queen Guys...original title lol...also the song doesn't come to play till the end because this one wasn't super based on a song...

I looked up from my dipped cone long enough to notice two extremely handsome guys look straight my way, both of them winked at me...ew players. Immediately I gave my cone some well deserved attention. Within a few minutes I was summoned to leave, as I walked out I heard a wolf whistle.

"Hey babe! Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" The guy who said that looked to be the older of the two, he was tall, maybe six foot, and had blonde hair along with a lean body and sun kissed skin.

The other was a lot shorter and adorable, like a puppy. He looked a lot younger then the sun god, he had chocolate brown hair that was a bit shaggy but in a cute way. Coming back to my senses I rolled my eyes and turned around.

"Back off player." As I stormed off I heard them laughing, I managed to keep a straight face till we got back on the road.

As we drove to OC I texted my cousin: Hot guys at dairy queen!!!! In a second she had a reply: I dub them Mr. Hotdairyqueendude1 and 2. I was cracking up in seconds. In the next few hours we reached ocean city, the place I would be confined to the whole summer.

It was now my fourth day here, I had biked and texted and biked some more. Since I was at the beach I decided it would be a good idea to actually go there. Throwing on my striped target bikini I grabbed my mp3 and ran to my bike.

"Bye Dad!" I yelled out whilst hopping on my bike. In about ten minutes I was at the beach. The sun was beating on my back making me sweat off sunscreen, the sand burned my bare feet, the dark blue waves crashed, and the smell of the sea blew into my nose.

It was peaceful, for now. I laid out my towel and sat on it, soon I grabbed my phone and checked the messages.

There was one from Taylor, my cousin, that I couldn't make out because of the sun, two words jumped out at me Ryan jerk. Knowing there would be a message from him I soon found it, this time I could make out three: Taylor annoying and weird. They were gonna kill each other before I got home...oh well. (Ryan-random friend lol)

I stretched out on my towel and took in the sun, but soon it was blocked, WTH?

"You never did answer my question." My head snapped up, I recognized that voice it was the player from the other day. I was rendered speechless.

The guy smirked "Cat got your tongue?" he taunted. My aloof face turned into a glare, "stalk much?" I snapped. The guy laughed, "fiesty, I like it! The names Percy."

Now it was my turn to laugh, "Jackson? Oh and I think you miss pronounced your name! You say it like this P-" he gave me a confused gaze. "-layer." His sidekick laughed understanding my joke right away but it took him a bit longer.

As soon as he caught on he huffed. "You're in for it!" he announced as he picked me up and swung me over his shoulder. I kicked and screamed but no one came to help me as he threw me in the cold ocean.

He jumped in right after me and tackled me. "Get off me player!!" I screamed. His laughter boomed, "what was that?" he whispered in my ear.

"Player!" I yelled at him laughing. We stood there in the ocean looking like lunatics laughing our heads off. After turning into prunes we walked out back to we're my towel was to find Percy's sidekick on my phone.

"Umm," I said not trying to sound mean, "what are you doing?" The guys face lit up. "Just texting your austrailian 20yr old tall and blonde cousin." I busted out with laughter once again.

"Taylor right?" he nodded. "Yeahh you mean a sixteen teeny tiny brunette who wished she had a austrailian accent..." His mouth took the shape of a O. "What's your name anyway?" "Jackson!" and then I really laughed.(Get it Percy and Jackson...I'm so immature)

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