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Ok people I didn't realize what the lyrics were sooo it's a bit dif. From the song but its inspired so yup

The two seventeen year olds hugged each other like there was no tomorrow. The truth was there would be, but not that they were aware of.

I walked up the steps of my old house, slowly looking around. The white siding and brick steps brought back memories, as did the empty flower boxes which had previously been filled. I opened the old navy door and walked into the foyer. The steps were still dark and stained, the wood flooring still squeaked as I walked. Everything was the same as when I left it, gone away to college, I never thought I would return to this small town. I had wanted to live an awesome life, become a football player, a star. But really how realistic was that damn dream.

Continuing through the house my bedroom was exactly the same as before, with the same camo bedspread and bare white walls. Soon I was done retouring the house, it was small with only two bedrooms. It felt good to be home.

Hearing the door slam I walked down stairs. "Mom!" I yelled out.

My mother was a tiny women with a kind smile and big brown eyes which at the moment were in shock.

"Oh Jake honey what are you doing home?" She asked confused. My eyes filled with anger.

"You think I'm so shallow I would miss my own father's funeral!" I spat anger filling every word, instantly regretting it when her eyes filled with tears.

"Of course not sweetie." She said while hugging me. I closed my eyes as her arms wrapped around me.

"I need some air." She nodded and let go. I walked outside.

As I walked out I ran my hands through my dark brown hair. And then I saw her.

She was standing on the lawn of the house across from us. Her blonde hair was pulled back, she had discount glasses on and a fake tan. Her feet fashioned flip flops and her legs wore cut off jeans. She was in between then setting sun, I felt like i was on fire, born to run. She looked at me and I was done. We're just getting started.

The memories came rushing back flowing through my head like an album.

"Ooooooo." She crooned back at me. Ella's bright blonde hair was flying around. I was so alive never felt so free. I waved my dad's lighter back and forth while singing back to her. "Springsteen!!" we said at the same time. She gave me a breathe taking smile as she danced on the floor, her arms moving up and down in some strange dance move that looked absolutely adorable on her. "Oh Jake!!! This is soooo fun!!!" We danced the rest of the night until they kicked us out.

"Jake take that left!" When I didn't take the left she looked at me confused.

"Where are we going??" She asked excitedly, I laughed.

"The long way!" She giggled and gave me another sweet smile. Once we reached her house she frowned. "Don't go..." She whispered in my ear. I smiled sadly, "I have to babe! But I'll see you tomorrow." I stated while pecking her on the lips. She pouted her lips as she backed away from the car, soon running into the safety of her house.

I snapped out of my daydream, realizing she was gone. I sighed while walking back into the same white house as before.

The very next day I heard that song on the radio. "Springsteen!" The song roared through my tiny room.

I soon remembered my old jeep, the stars, being seventeen it was all so simple. It was funny how the melody sounded like a memory, like a soundtrack we would play for hours on Saturday night. "Springsteen!!!!" The line popped into my head once more.

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