Four: The Prophecy

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Elronds P.o.v:

I exited the dining room with a smile on my face, going to fetch one of the maids to make sure they prepared an extravagant breakfast for (y/n) and I to enjoy. I would also make sure that the maids set (y/n)'s chambers perfectly and kept them tidy, and made her stay in Rivendell as enjoyable as possible.

For some reason, (y/n) felt different than all of the other guests and visitors of Rivendell, and I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for her and she would maybe stay as long as possible.

I want to get to know her very well. She is a very beautiful woman and she seems so kind. This breakfast will give me the perfect chance to get to learn more about her and maybe better understand why I feel this strange attraction towards her.

Lost in my thoughts about (y/n), I did not notice one of the guards trying to get my attention.

"Yes?" I answered, once I finally notice. I'm sure he was there at least a few minutes before I snapped out of my daydream.

"My lord, I am sorry to bother you, but more elves have been reported missing throughout Imladris." The guard spoke, in a nervous manner.

I frown a little at the guard's words. I was aware that there have been a few missing elves, and I have sent guards out to look for an explanation, but now more elves were missing and none of the guards have found anything, even some of them have not returned. As the Lord, it is my duty to solve these kind of issues, but I have never seen anything like it, and feel I should not act drastically, being as it is not quite that many, and they could all quite possibly have just decided to leave Imladris.

"How many?" I spoke aloud, as I notice the guard's discomfort at my prolonged silence.

"Four." He answered. "There are now thirteen total." He said.

I thought over those numbers in my head, along with all of the possibilities that could result in Rivendell inhabitants going 'missing'.

"My lord, if I may.." The guard spoke out, breaking me from my thoughts once again. I motioned for him to continue.

"Do you think this could have to do with the prophecy?" He questioned.

My eyes widened, knowing exactly what prophecy he was speaking of.

I immediately began walking towards the treasury, motioning for the guard to follow. He quickly walked behind me.

Upon entering the treasury, I went straight to the place where ancient texts were placed, grabbing the particular scroll of the prophecy that I was sure I remembered word for word, but had to make sure.

I carefully picked it up and read it.

   "In times where a dark force brews unrest and death in Imladris, a foreign lady will help, guide, and rule alongside the Lord."

I reread it several more times to make sure my eyes were not deceiving me. I could see the guard gazing over my shoulder at the scroll then looking up at me with a knowing expression.

I had been having regular visions of a dark force brewing outside of Imladris, but I could not quite say it was upon us for sure. The only unusual thing that has happened in Imladris was those elves going missing, I could not say for sure that they were dead. Though there has been a bit of unrest, and a foreign woman. But the woman who is meant to rule by my side could not possibly be (y/n). Could it?

"That woman. The one who came to Imladris just last evening, (Y/N)... Do you believe she could be the one the prophecy speaks of?" The guard asked just as I thought it.

Though I did not want to admit, she could very well be the one to fulfill the prophecy. Just by our short encounters, she seems very intelligent, polite, and kind.

"There is a possibility." I answered the guard simply. My eyes widen as I thought of (y/n) and how she must have still been waiting for me to return and have breakfast with her.

I quickly dismiss the guard and go to tell a servant what I had initially meant to in the first place. Luckily, they had already prepared a breakfast for me and (y/n), I only told them to add a bit more and make it more decorative as I wanted to impress (y/n). I left off that detail of course, but I wouldn't be surprised if they figured it out anyway.

I speed walk back to the dining area to find (y/n) once again staring out of the window, gazing over the whole of Imladris. I am glad she enjoys these views.

I clear my throat as she does not notice me and I quickly began to explain my lateness.

"I sincerely apologize, (y/n). I did not mean to have you wait this long. I-" I started before being interrupted.

"It is fine, Elrond. I understand. You are a Lord and your duties come before breakfast with a visitor." She said with a smile, after turning around to face me.

A smile spreads across my face at her words. She has a wonderful smile and she is so understanding and considerate. She doesn't even mind that I had her waiting, even though it must have been nearly an hour. Though for some reason, I did not quite like how she referred to herself as a visitor. Did she plan on leaving? Do I really want her to stay? I am not even sure if she is the one to fulfill this prophecy and rule by my side, but I do enjoy her company. I quickly shook those thoughts from my mind and smiled at her.

"Shall we sit?" I ask.

She smiles and nods, walking back over to the table as I pull out a chair for her.

I see a slight blush tint her cheeks as she sits in the chair I pulled for her. I smile and sit across from her.

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